33. Man Up

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"Maybe this is bad timing." Podrick remarked. 

"Tell me something good Podrick." Rieka begged. 

"I dont know if it's good." Podrick admitted. "I hope you think its good. But you might not and if in that case maybe I just shouldnt ask." 

"You want me to ask instead?" Rieka questioned. 

"What are you asking?" Podrick countered confused. 

"Podrick Payne will you mar-"

"Stop thats my line!" Podrick demanded. 

"Man up and ask me then." Rieka agreed. 

"You are going to say yes?" Podrick questioned. 

"Man up." Rieka demanded. "Ask and find out." 

"Rieka Stark, will you let me-"

"Man up." 

"Rieka Stark will you marry me and make me the happiest man that ever lived? If the world it ending then I want to know that I spent every moment of it before the world caves in with the woman I love most int he world and want to love for the rest of my life, however long or short that might be." Podrick declared leaving Rieka speechless. "Think about it... take your time..." Podrick requested when she hesitated. 

"I will definitely probably think about reminding myself to do that." Rieka mused. Podrick blinked back at her. "Yes Podrick!" Rieka declared. "Gods that was romantic and depressing at the same time and I loved it, yes!" Podrick held tight to her and he could breathe again. 

"Yes, thats a yes? Am i hearing things?"

"Yes Podrick I will marry you." Rieka assured kissing him again. 

"Where did she get it?" Sansa muttered

"I don't know. She seems very resourceful... You're worried." Petyr pondered knowingly. Sansa made sure they were alone. SHe didnt know if she trusted Petyr but she trusted him more than her sisters right now. 

"We're asking 20 000 men to fight with us in the worst winter any of them have ever seen. The weather will be the least of their problems. Many of them will be happy to find a good reason to go home." Sansa agreed.

"You question their loyalty?" Petyr questioned.

" Their loyalty is to JON SNOW. JON SNOW is not here. I haven't heard from him in weeks." Sansa agreed. "RIeka hasnt given up hope but..."

"You're the Lady of Winterfell."

"I'm not. Arya likes to make that clear. Jon chose Rieka. The King chose Rieka to rule in his absence." Sansa hissed.

"And yet... rule you have." Petyr added. "The men look to you. You ruled wisely. Ably. They see that. They respect you. Some may even prefer you." Petyr assured.

"Because they dont like that Rieka trusts Jon. They dont want a bastard as king..." Sansa murmured. "Yes they trust me, respect me, they turned their backs on Jon Snow when it was time to retake Winterfell and then they named him their king and now they're ready to turn their backs on him again. How far would you trust men like that?" Sansa countered "They're all bloody wind vanes. If they found out I wrote that letter a woman who's already married not one but two enemies of her House. By the time Jon Snow comes back, he'll have no army left." Maybe Sansa needed Rieka gone. That would help. If RIeka left, Sansa could truly be in charge. 

"Arya is not like them. She's your sister. You may have disagreements, but she would never betray her family." Petyr reminded her.

"She would if she thought I was going to betray Jon." Sansa corrected

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