31. Needle

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"Will it ever be the same?" Rickon questioned. Podrick stared back at them picking up his sword, Rieka loaded a new arrow, RIckon made a snowball for Ghost and Avalon to chase. 

"No." Rieka admitted turning to him. "But it will be okay. We find a new normal." she assured. "Together. We still have each other."

"Pod," Brienne demanded and he pulled his gaze away from RIeka just in time to block a hit. 

"I like him in one piece, Brienne." Rieka warned. 

Brienne began striking at Podrick while he blocked her blows. But Brienne hit Podrick in the stomach with the hilt of her sword and he landed on the ground with a grunt and thud.

"And don't --" Brienne began. Podrick sat back annoyed and frustrated. 

"Don't fight someone like her in the first place." Arya remarked approaching them in the courtyard. Pod stood up and retrieved his sword. Arya got closer though.

"Nice sword. Very nice dagger." Brienne remarked. Arya looked down at the Valyrian dagger and unsheathed it. She approached Brienne flipping the knife several times in her fingers. Brienne took the dagger and examined it.

"It's been awhile since I've trained." Arya remarked.

"I can go and find the Master of Arms for you, My Lady." Brienne offered.

"He didn't beat the hound. You did." Arya countered and Rieka grumbled. 

"Sandor was never the monster you all made him out to be." Rieka remarked. "Honestly, I should whack you over the head." 

"I would like to see you try." Arya challenged. 

"Oh, you learn something when you ran away from me? When you disappeared to Bravvos?" Rieka sassed. Arya shrugged. 

"We will see." Arya answered. SHe looked to Brienne. "I want to train with you." Arya corrected and Brienne chuckled. "You swore to serve all of my mother's daughters, didn't you?" she nodded her head in agreement.

"Your eldest sister hates when I try to help her," Brienne countered. "But yes." 

"You are not helpful." RIeka countered with a smirk. Brienne rolled her eyes. 

"Move aside, Podrick." Brienne demanded. RIeka offered Podrick a hand up and he backed away. Arya drew free Needle.

"You can't use that, My Lady. It's too small." Brienne corrected.

"Thats from Jon." Rieka recognized. "You still have it." 

"I won't cut you. Don't worry." Arya countered smugly. She glanced to rieka spinning Needle around. 

"Stab a few holes in her maybe." Rieka offered innocently. Brienne struck at Arya who quickly sidesteps and parries the attack. Brienne attacked again and Arya sidesteped, dodging multiple strikes and parries from Brienne, Brienne was impressed and couldn't stop her smile as Arya dueled brilliantly against her.

"Shes good." Podrick remarked. 

"I think Arya will need to train us. Shes damn better than you, Brienne." Rieka decided. Arya struck at Brienne and hit her hand causing Brienne to flinch and lose her two-handed grip on her sword. Brienne regained composure and started to circle Arya.

Brienne strikes and Arya blocks her attacks, spins and stabs behind her back and hits Brienne in the knee causing Brienne's sword to strike the dirt. Brienne flustered, being bested by a child, kicked Arya in the stomach and sent Arya to the ground. Horror filled Brienne but Arya quickly got back to her feet. Rieka couldnt breathe for a split second but Arya popped back up as though Briennes kick was nothing more than a little touch. A smirk on aryas face that said bring it.

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