32. Don't Make Out On Top of Bran

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"I found it, my Lord." Wolkan remarked holding out a scroll. "It took some searching. Maester Llewyn's archives are thorough." Petyr read the note over before looking back to Wolken. 

"Hi Arya I had a-" podrick began, Arya hushed him though. Podrick clamped his lips shut. 

" Are you sure this is the only copy at Winterfell?"

"Yes, my Lord." Wolkan agreed

"Lady Stark thanks you for your service." Petyr remarked fondly as he went into his chambers.

"Don't make a sound." Arya demanded. Podrick opened his mouth to agree but pursing his lips and nodding. Not a moment later Petyr locked his door and left. Arya picked the lock promptly and began looking around.

"What are you doing?" Podrick whispered from the door. 

"Shut up." Arya countered. She opened a cabinet but found nothing of value. She checked another cabinet, then looked in the fireplace and above the mantle finding nothing. She lifted up the mattress and found a small hole cut into the bedding. She reached in and retrieved the raven scroll. She unrolled it carefully reading it through.

"What's that?" Podrick questioned, Arya shot him a glare. "Yeah, yeah, shut up." He agreed. 

"Robb, I write to you with a heavy heart. Our good king Robert is dead, killed from wounds he took in a boar hunt. Father has been charged with treason." Arya mumbled.  "He conspired with Robert's brothers against my beloved Joffrey and tried to steal his throne. The Lannisters are treating me very well and provide me with every comfort. I beg you: come to King's Landing, swear fealty to King Joffrey and prevent any strife between the great houses of Lannister and Stark. Your faithful sister, Sansa."

Arya rerolled the note and left. She locked the door behind her with a huff. Petyr peered out a smirk on his face as Arya marched off. 

"Arya?" Podrick questioned. "What was that?"

"Come on and stay quiet." Arya hissed. 

"Bran? Bran?" Rieka shook him gently, confusion filled her as she stared back at him. "Bran wake up." 

"He has the sight, he tell you that?" Rickon asked nonchalantly as though Bran wasnt in a slightly comatose state. "Dont worry Rie, it happens sometimes." Rieka stared back at him. 

"The three eyed raven... yeah... He did..." Rieka agreed slowly. "but..."

"He goes elsewhere in his mind." Rickon remarked. "I dont really understand it but then he comes back and he's fine."

"O... kay..." Rieka agreed staring down at Bran. "How long does he usually...? Are you sure hes okay? Last time I saw him like this it was after his fall and he was out for what seemed like forever."

"It's Different each time." Rickon remarked. "He used to be in and out quick but I think he's gotten better at it since I last saw him." Rickon held out an apple for her. "Eat." he instructed. She took it from him, turning it in her hands but she stared down at Bran. She felt a wave of nausea wash over her the longer he stayed like that.

"Rie..." Rickon said reaching over Bran and touching her arm. "He's okay."

"Where does he go? How does he..."

"He went into Summer before, ravens to I think but before that was more accidental." Rickon remarked.

"And he just... sees what they see? Controls them?"

"Both." Rickon offered.

"What do you think he's looking at?" Rieka asked. She had always loved her little brothers, they were the highlight of her day. She didnt know how she went this long without them now that she had them back. 

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