Chapter 21 The Man from Chicago Part 02

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Kuuga and his friends waited for the elder man named James Black to bring the rental van to them, but they had been waiting for an unusually long time.

Agasa: This is strange. It's been 40 minutes.

Genta: What's taking him so long?

Ayumi: I'm getting hungry.

Kuuga decided to go and check on James.

Conan: Hey, where are you going?

Kuuga: I'm going to check on that man. I'm worried about him.

Mitsuhiko: Then we'll come with you.

Conan: True, there aren't many parking lots within walking distance.

Kuuga and his friends headed to the parking area and spotted the van with a stuffed lion inside.

Mitsuhiko: I found it! This must be his van.

Kuuga noticed that the van's door was open, and the keys were inside. He walked around and then saw something in the distance, prompting him to go and investigate.

Kuuga: This is the lion strap. I saw those two buying it. Why is it here?

Kuuga examined the strap, but to his surprise, he noticed that it was stained with red. His golden eyes glowed as he realized that it wasn't red paint—it was blood. Conan came check in hurry then Conan found Kuuga.

Conan: What is it?

Others went to check on Kuuga and found him holding the strap.

Haibara: This is Leon Strap.

Ayumi: Is it Mr. Black's

Genta: Maybe he forgot us and ran off with him friend.

Conan: No, he hasn't forgot us, and He caught in trouble.

Conan take Strap and show to them.

Conan: Look here, there are sports said P, A and Ampersand! Maybe he left us message.

Conan and his friend went to tell Agasa and went to police to talk about James is kidnapper and show picture similar as Randy Hawk.

Ayumi: This is he look like.

Policeman 1: Oh, Randy Hawk.

Policeman 2: He fine, he was on the radio a minutes ago.

Kuuga: Do you said about radio?

Policeman 1: Yes, it was already broadcasted live.

Kuuga: Oh no.

Conan: These people know that James isn't Hawk, and they're aware that the broadcast is live.

Agasa: That means...

Haibara: Yes, they know and have already decided what to do with him.

The kids informed the police that James Black had been kidnapped and showed them the strap. The police took possession of the strap.

Conan: We need to solve the code.

Agasa: "P" is spelled as "Pa."

Ayumi: I know! It could be the name of a shop, "Pan-ya," which means "The Bakery."

Conan: Hmm, I don't think so. He left us with the names "Paul" and "Annie." I think they are two separate words.

Mitsuhiko: P and A?

Ayumi: "P" and "A" could stand for "Ponies" and "Apple."

Genta: Or "Pro Wrestling" and "Action."

Agasa: How about "Personal Computer" and "Access"?

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