Chapter 1

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"Why Foska did not tell us that she has given birth to David's child?" Margaret Martinez demanded from his grand child Dominic Diego Martinez.

"We barely got to know Foska while David was alive!". Dominic replied darkly without any emotion.

Margaret on the other hand regrets about the way things went.

"And how could we expect her to turn to us for help after David had abandoned her granny!"

"O my boy, am sure it was her pride that prevented her from reaching out to us, I imagined this is the only thing David left her with. Now we are sure that he must have deserted her when she was pregnant,... now my heart is even heavier with grief and dissapointment...and yet when he married Foska, I truly believed that he might have finally settle down". Margaret confessed.

Being an incurable bastard, Dominic has had no such hopes regarding David. After all, his younger brother had broken the heart of his own family long before he had graduated.
Although David was born with every advantage into the most high ranked family in the society, he had started getting into trouble at an early age. His own parents had found it impossible to control him.

By the time David had reached his mid twenties, he had already dissipated quite a substantial inheritance and got quite a collection of women in his harem. Throughout those years, his parents had made repeated efforts to understand and solve David's problems which had been unsuccessful.

Then, three years ago, David came to London to mend fences and announce his intention of marrying his gorgeous girlfriend.

Overjoyed by his return, Margaret had insisted on throwing the wedding for the happy couple while at the same time giving them a large sum of money as wedding gift.

The marriage however had failed and David had returned to Canada twelve month ago. Soon afterwards, he lost his life in a drunken car crash.

"It surprised me that David could've kept such secret from us,...and it is even sadder that Foska couldn't trust us enough to share her child with us". Margaret lamented.

"I've made arrangements to fly over to Sydney tomorrow morning". Dominic told her, frowning when the elderly woman seated by the elegant marble fireplace in his office continued to look deeply troubled.

"Granny, don't be sad and stop blaming yourself for other people's faults. As a family, we did all we could and we will now do our very best for David's daughter".

It was only that afternoon that Dominic had received an urgent call from his family lawyer who had in turn been contacted by Foska's solicitor. Dominic has been sincerely shaken not only by this news, that his brother's widow hadn't not only given birth to a child months ago but had also died from pneumonia just a fortnight ago.

He had been relieved that independent though, Foska had still had the foresight and sense to nominate him in her will as the guardian of her daughter, Tiyar.

At the family lawyer's advice, however, Dominic had also agreed that even though he had no reason to doubt that the little girl was his brother's child, there should be a DNA test just to put all uncertainties at rest.

The lawyer had then informed him that Foska's sister, Emma was currently looking after the child. Dismayed by that information, Dominic had appreciated that his own intervention was immediately required.

Emma was far too young for such responsibility. Dominic had met Emma when she had acted as a bridesmaid at her sister's wedding.
The differences between the two sisters was quite visible, while Foska was stylish and classy. Emma was the opposite, she had the potential to do great but she preferred keeping an extremely low profile. It's quite possible she is an introvert thus she couldn't care less acting gracefully.

"A little girl.... My first great grandchild," Margaret remarked with a tentative smile softening her rather severe features and quite touched by the thought, she looked in her grandson's direction. "Tiyar... Such a unique wonderful name for a little lady. Oh Dominic, a baby will bring so much happiness in this manor".

Dominic resisted a dismayingly strong urge to wince while inwardly acknowledging that he still was in no great hurry to embrace fatherhood. He was barely thirty years old.

"I imagine so granny." Dominic murmured wryly resolving to have the nursery room in the little used west wing renovated at speed.

Also, he would ensure that a full staff was hired to service the child's every single need. He was not ashamed to admit that he liked his life just as it was. He had to work incredibly hard while his brother had been running wild and free. Dominic has been working twenty four hour. Self indulgence, personal interests and relaxation had all been luxuries out of Dominic's reach.

Having since to be judged as the most successful billionaire in the world, he was equally aware that change was in the air. David's daughter was now his personal responsibility. It was his duty to take charge of the orphaned infant.

'This is what I must do, this baby is part of this family and I will do my best to provide for her and raise her as though she is my own daughter'. Dominic conceded.

"Dominic, you will have to get married... You know that..." his grandmother murmured in a soft light voice.

Disturbed by that declaration, Dominic swung back to gaze at the old lady. A little amusement appeared in his dark brown eyes. Dominic was well aware that his grandmother was eager for him to find someone and get married real soon.

"Granny, I don't think it will be necessary for me to sacrifice my life in order to take care of this baby".

"Dominic, every baby needs a mother. Am too old to take on the role and the staff can't be expected to fill this gap.... and you travel a lot". Margaret reminded him. " Only a wife could ensure the continuing level of care and affection which a young child require".

As Dominic listened, the amusement slowly evaporated from his gaze.

"I don't need a wife!"

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