Chapter 27

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"We had an agreement Dominic. You made that agreement. You told me that you wanted to hang onto your freedom! Remember?"

Dominic lifted and dropped his shoulder in resigned style.

"Am not denying it, so??"

"Then out of nowhere, you show up and start telling me that I have to behave like a real wife?"

"You are a real wife, baby", he asserted.

"Technically speaking... this is not how I see it in this angle...." Emma told him heatedly. "we need to talk about you practicing what you preach, my lord".

He was impressed by the way she was laying down the law. No woman has ever used such direct approach on him and he was totally impressed. She had neither employed flattery or feminine guile to lay out her case. She was not afraid to say exactly what she thought and the way she was saying "my lord"... So arousing.

"Is that a fact?"

"Yes sir, it is", Emma confirmed with vehemence, her face flushed with anger. "You said you wanted your freedom, right? Well, am no one to refuse such request... So that also means you are not entitled to interfere with mine".

"Wrong, actually... you are completely wrong on this matter," Dominic declared. "Tonight, when I saw you on the dance floor, I could not stand by and watch you dance with another man without feeling that something was wrong".

Emma opened her eyes to the fullest.

"Absolutely unbelievable what am hearing..."

"Emma, you are my wife. You wear my ring on your finger. You live in my home, you share my name. You can't be my wife and a single woman at the same time...."

Her hands knotted into fists.

"Oh yes sir! I can be both!" Emma argued back.

"It's a contradiction in terms..."

"Like husband and a free man?" she provided back with sickly sweetness.

"A good comparison. But trust me love, everytime you shout at me, I feel extremely married", Dominic confided with a glint of raw mockery in his golden gaze.

Incensed by his lightness, she treated him to an un amused judgment. He need not know that she was swayed by this simple statement.

"Obviously, a lot woman might have let you get away with this sort of nonsense but I won't let you get away with anything", Emma warned him.
"There is no way in hell I will ever let you accept this one rule for you and another rule for me... Not a chance!"

"But this is not what I am advocating".

"Oh, that exactly what you are adv....."


She stumbled over that unfamiliar word and just to annoy her more, he pronounced it correctly for her.

A sense of humiliation stormed through her anger and brought hot tears to her eyes.

"That's what I mean about you, Dominic... You are simply impossible!You are schooling me...."

"Em, it was thoughtless", he acknowledged.

"No Dominic, it was not. You think about everything, you always know exactly what you are doing..."

"I admit I did not know exactly what I was doing when I asked you to marry me but the truth is from that night, our wedding night, my precious, my desire for freedom disappeared".

A pounding silence had fallen. Emma was listening to his every word and she was trembling.

"You can forget about what happened on our wedding night. You can keep your freedom, you don't owe me anything and if you stay away from me now, we can go right back to that deal we made. All we need to do is be sensible from now on and we will forget that we have ever strayed from the agreement". She told him boldly.

"That a very generous offer but you see Emma, there's a problem..." he held her strained gaze levelly.

"There's nothing which can't be solve Dominic!" she riposted fiercely because her heart felt as if it were breaking inside her.

It has cost her a lot to make that offer. Truth is she wanted to chained him to her bed and never let him go away from her with someone else.

"I know, but this is a bigger problem... you see, even if I want, I can't forget our wedding night, and... I can't stay away from you either. So I think that being 'sensible' might well be beyond my power at present".

Unprepared for that statement, Emma stared at him in confusion.

"What did you say.... Sorry I think I am having problem hearing you well..."

"Oh you heard me very well you minx. You know very well how incredibly tempting you are. Yes, am very attracted to you. I fought it every minute of the day,... Whole time I were away from you my love", Dominic admitted harshly,... "I know that this is not the deal we agreed on but right now, I don't want to be with any other woman... I only want to be with you Em".

"But.. but, that's not how it's supposed to be...," Emma mumbled in surprise.

"Love, this is exactly how things between us should be," Dominic affirmed... "We should forget how it was supposed to be. I simply can't stand back and watch you enjoy the same freedom I once asked for myself. For now, let's enjoy being married".

A big smile was trying to break out across Emma lips. He was offering her a lifeline but she has also pick out his meaning... Right now... I want to be with you. As for later... We will see. This is his present thought.

'For now, let's enjoy being married' so, he is already accepting that there would be time when he will no longer want her. He was not suggesting that their marriage become a proper marriage, Dominic was offering her only fidelity and sex in the short term.

"Tonight, I would have liked you to meet me at the airport." Dominic admitted so that she would know the next time. "When I learned that you were not there, I was determined not to come back here without you. Not seeing you waiting for me led me to admit how much I had been looking forward to seeing you".

As though Emma was being drawn by an invisible magnet, she was moving closer to him with slow tentative steps.

"I've hardly even spoken to you since you went away..." she whispered.

"You avoided my calls, baby".

She blushed because it was true.

"I was at war with myself Emma but am not anymore and I promise you I will never be again", Dominic promise d huskily.

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