Chapter 32

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Glaring at the mirror, Emma nervously played with the glittering diamond butterfly pendant which Dominic had given her while they were on their honeymoon abroad. Despite her refusal, Dominic always give her expensive gifts.

He had even bought Tiyar lots of gifts as well. He was very generous. Thinking about this, she ought to buy him something? Then she shake her head in a negative answer, no, when a guy could buy himself anything, a woman had to go that extra mile to make an impression.

When the door opened, Emma swallowed hard.

"Dominic? Close your eyes before you step in please..." she asked him.

Well, he did not close his eyes... Dominic was looking totally pissed with anger but at the same time he was burning with hot desire. She looked shamelessly sexy and stunning  in that lingerie. It was a combination that did something quite disgraceful to his healthy libido.

Emma felt like an absolute idiot and cringed when he saw him totally disinterested.

"Uhm... I was getting dressed..." Emma  lied in a striken surge.

"I don't give a damn care... Did you know that Tiyar is not your sister's daughter?" Dominic murmured in a very cold tone.

At that totally unexpected question, Emma froze and her eyes opened wide in response.

"Excuse me?? What did you say??"

"If you are trying to convince me that you knew nothing regarding this matter then you are totally wasting your time", he restored back. "I can't believe you did not know!? Your sister lived with you while she was pregnant and you both were supposed to be best friends... according to what you always tell me".

"Wait a minutes, let me get this straight, you are telling me that Tiyar's is not my sister child but she is your brother's daughter?" Emma recounted in a strained interruption.
"Is this some sort of horrible joke? If you are already tired of me and want to push me away, just tell me so straightforward, you don't have to use such awful excuse!"

"If only", Dominic replied his features hard as steel.
"If you think parading in sexy lingerie around the bedroom will get you out of this hot mess then you are totally wrong".

"How am I in a hot mess?" Emma demanded in response to that reference to both her appearance and her behavior.
"Just explain why you are suddenly throwing all these garbage at me... Have you any idea how insulting you are being right now?"

"Alright then, if you want me to put it in a polite way then?... Your darling sister Foska is not the mother of Tiyar, I even doubting if she was even pregnant in the first place".

"Don't you dare to smear my sister's reputation with your lies!" she shouted at him.

"It is not a lie Emma. DNA tests have been carried out on me, Tiyar and your sister and I have the paperwork that assures me that there's not any blood relationship between Tiyar and your sister... even you". He murmured the last part silently but Emma eventually heard him making her heart pain with that statement.

"I can't accept what you are saying".

"When there's money involved even my relatives are not above malicious conjecture".

"Money? What money you are talking about?"

"My grandmother is a wealthy woman as well as me".

"Ohh I got it, you thought that I am using her to get your family's money". Emma stabbed jaggedly.

"I strongly believe that you and Elizabeth were all aware that Tiyar was not related to you. I also think you hoped to make money out of deception..."

"What the hell Dominic?" Emma exclaimed so sharply that her voice broke.

"You sent Elizabeth to see me at my hotel, I can see clearly now... She told me I could not separate you from Tiyar because having suffered leukemia, you could not have children and damn I swallowed that sad story like most men. I was reluctant to question you about that personal tragedy".

Listening to him, Emma felt betrayed. When he referred to her fertility, she turned as white as a sheet. Tears in her eyes drop outside on her cheeks.

"Am sorry, I had no idea Elizabeth went behind my back and told you all these or else I've drank poison instead than asking for your sympathy!"

Dominic could not drag his eyes from her face. She look traumatized. He realised then Elizabeth visit to his hotel was nothing of a scam and he instantly filled with regret.

"Em... I...".

"You know what Dominic maybe you forgot, it was you who came with the marriage proposal in the first place but now that everything has been cleared out, I don't really care". Emma step back out of his reach and vanished into the bathroom and slammed shut and locked the door. Dominic knocked but she ignored it.

He tried to reason with her through the door even begging for her forgiveness but she told him to fuck off and leave her alone.

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