Chapter 8

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After his departure, Emma stood frozen in her place, reflecting in agonizing panic. Dominic was planning to take her beloved Tiyar away from her straight to Britain. He was determined to separate the little girl from the only person she knew and relocate her to a strange house with complete strangers.

And to pour salt on her fresh wound, the billionaire dared to tell her how the baby that she loved, should be brought up.

Desperately fixed to keep herself busy so that she did not have time to worry at that thought, Emma calmed Tiyar down, then fed the little girl and put her to sleep in her little crib.

She did some more cleaning then showered. Then she sat down, more questions went round and round into her brain. How was she supposed to fight Dominic? A billionaire with so much money and power? Was her condition really one describe as poverty?

Knowing all this, how was she supposed to demand equal rights over her niece when Dominic could offer so much in every material way possible? In her mind, Tiyar was her baby in every possible way but as much as this was hurting her, Dominic was right. Tiyar was part of a reputated blood family and her place was in a gorgeous mansion, enjoying a good carefree life.

Emma looked toward Tiyar's crib and  torn apart. What to do? What was the right thing that she need to do? Act selfish and keep the baby under her roof or let her go with her powerful uncle towards a new happy life?

Elizabeth came to visit her around nine that evening. As soon as the woman realized that Dominic was returning the next day, she offered to take care of Tiyar while he would be present there.

"Maybe you should take a walk along the beach. That always calms you down. I will take care of the little one for you".

"How can I calm down Eli? Dominic is going to take Tiyar away from me and there's nothing I can do about it". Emma breathed in a tormented whisper.

Elizabeth gave Emma's arm a comforting squeeze and without further comment pushed her slightly towards the beach which is situated at the back of her house.

Emma trudged down to the beach and let the breeze toss her hair into a wild mass and wash away her tears. An acute pain went through her body and pierced her heart. She shook her head, Dominic hadn't change one bit, she thought. He hadn't any clue how to handle a baby but had been far too arrogant to admit it. He appeared to know nothing about small children, a reality he had ignore while picking on her shortcomings.

Even worse, Dominic was still as prejudiced against her as he had been at their last meeting in Britain, three years earlier.... Her memories of that period in her life were still fresh and raw and her thoughts swept her back in time.

Her sister's wedding had turned into a dream event for Emma as well as the bride. Throughout that day, Dominic had presented Emma to a lot of guests and helped her to feel comfortable.

He had complimented her on her appearance in the long blue evening dress. Dominic had chatted with her while the photographs were being taken, arranged to have her sit near him at the reception.

Dominic had danced with her and acted as if her enjoyment was his first priority. All that attention had been a very strong experience for Emma. Him being close to her, talking to her, touching her arm, shoulder or back was just breathtaking. Her feet were barely touching the ground. Foska had been concerned enough to take Emma aside and warn her off.

"Dominic's being very kind to you but I don't want you to get the wrong idea about him, Em".

"I am not getting any ideas about him," Emma protested in severe embarrassment, wondering if she is really making a fool of herself.

"There's no way Dominic would be attracted to you. Just look at him... David says his brother standards are so high that even a saint would be an inappropriate choice", her sister pointed out in a strange tone... "but Dominic does have gentlemenly manners. Obviously, he felt sorry for you when he found you on your own last night. Am sure that's why he is making so much effort to ensure that you have a good time today", she added before seeing Dominic approaching them. She left Emma alone and went to greet a few guests.

"Please, leave me alone! Am not your charity case". Emma told Dominic  when he next asked her to dance.

"What are you talking about Em?" Dominic demanded totally confused.

"Well I heard that you are being kind to me because you took pity on me last night..."

"Seriously...? Am not that nice!" Emma felt trapped in his golden eyes.

"Let me guess, your sister told you that, am I right?it's natural for her to want to protect you... But please pay no mind to what she said. I like being with you, I like your company".

Determined to prove Emma that he was sincere, he asked her to meet him on the beach in fifteen minutes because among the guests here it was difficult to talk and sort out things without them being interrupted.

Emma accepted the invitation.

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