Chapter 5

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On the drive home, Emma was completely silent despite Steven asking her what happened in the lawyer office.
One thing is sure that Emma was completely devastated by the contents of her sister's will, she was simply terrified that she was in serious danger of losing her niece cum daughter and shocked by meeting up with Dominic again.

Neverless she could also understand exactly why Dominic was selected. Foska had always had enormous respect for money and status. She was rich herself... until David took care of that problem.

She clutched and prayed that Dominic  would have no desire to become any more closely involved in Tiyar's life.
Emma had come to love Tiyar as much as if her niece had been born to her.

The bond between Emma and her little niece would always have been strong because having suffered leukemia as a child, Emma was painfully aware that the treatment that had saved her life might also have left her to be infertile.

"Oh your sister never mentioned this decision?" Elizabeth exclaimed in astonishment when she heard about Dominic's appearance at the lawyer's office.

Cuddling Tiyar and enjoying the sweet, soft warmth of her niece's weight in her arms, Emma shook her head and sighed. Emma put Tiyar in her stroller and left her friend house to move back into her tiny apartment two buildings down the street where she lives.

Changing back into her jeans and gathering up her dirty laundry, she began to do the cleaning of her apartment making up the time she had lost from her day off. Trying as hard as she might, she found it impossible to lock her memories of Foska's wedding and her first meeting with Dominic out of her thought....

She has been so thrilled when Foska asked her to be one of her bridesmaids. Foska had paid all her expenses for Emma to travel to UK on a five day package holiday at a nearby hotel.

The day of her arrival and the night before the wedding, Emma had accompanied Foska to a social evening at the imposingly large mansion of one of David's relatives.

Around so many stylish people, Emma felt so out of that world. Worried that she might mortify her sister by saying or doing the wrong thing in such illustrious company, Emma waited for the right moment and she hid in the backyard garden. A little solo strolling between the flowers might chase away the uneasiness of being there.

It was in that same garden that she met Dominic for the first time. Glancing up from the flower smelling she had been engaged in, Emma had seen him watching her from the doorway. Drop dead gorgeous in a V necked black shirt, he had simply taken her breath away. He was by far the most handsome man she had ever seen.

"Sorry about this, I did not mean to intrude...." she said timidly.

Dominic laughed huskily.

"Excuse me... I must go... I shouldn't be in here". Emma murmured, biting her lower lip while studying him from below her lashes and feeling horribly shy.

"Why not? Are you not a friend of the bride?"

All she did was nodding in a reluctant agreement.

"And your name?" Dominic prompted, strolling silently closer.

"Uh... Em... I mean Emma".

He extended a lean brown hand.

"Nice to meet you Emma. I am Dominic".

Awkwardly, she brushed his fingertips and backed towards the door.

"I'd better get back to the hall before l'm missed. I don't want to insult them".

"Them?" Dominic quirked an amused eyebrow.

"All those terrifying guest next door!... It might seem funny to you but most of the time they are talking about things which I have no knowledge of... It's a total nightmare!" Emma heard herself confiding desperately grateful just to find someone who could understand what she was saying.

"... Ohh in that case, I will go back and tell them off immediately. How dare they frighten you into hiding in the garden!" Dominic teased her trying to make her smile and calm her down.

Emma lifted her chin.

"Hide? I don't hide from people".

"Okay... If so then since we are here and you are not hiding, come, I will show you the fish pond..."

He took her hand and guide her straight towards a hidden entrance door leading to the pond.
Emma was so intensely aware of him that she was quite unable to resist the need to keep on looking across at him.

It was almost a relief when Foska interrupted them, horrified to find her little sister in Dominic's company. Making an excuse, Foska was quick to separate them.

"Don't you know who he is?"She scolded Emma." You should not even be talking to him. That's David's older brother... yes the famous billionaire who has properties all around the world".

At least, on a first glimpse for a real billionaire, Dominic seemed normal. However Emma was completely dissapointed to discover how far he was out of her reach and annoyed that Dominic did not say exactly who he was.

Unaffected by Foska failed attempts to keep them apart, Dominic intervened to sweep Emma off to meet some of the younger people present. When the evening came to an end, it was Dominic who had to drive Emma back to the hotel as in all the excitement of being the center of attention, Foska had forgotten about her sister's transport needs.

"I don't understand why you are not staying with your sister at my grandmother's house", Dominic admitted while assisting her into his sports car that Emma saw once in a movie.

"I don't want to intrude... Am more at ease here than a big house such as yours and at the same time, I have decided to make a holiday out of my trip over here, I'll be just fine". She added and got out of the car as fast as she could, almost running away from him, she entered the hotel reception.

That night she laid awake on her comfortable hotel room bed not able to stop thinking about the gorgeous Dominic.

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