Chapter 17

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It was decided right after the wedding, they would go directly to the airport.
Dominic was on his phone the whole ride to the airport and even now he is still stick to it. So Emma parted from him to take care of Tiyar's needs. She was engaged in changing Tiyar into a fresh outfit when she heard her name. Someone was asking for her and she had to go to a certain desk.

Instant panic grabbed her as she frantically finished dressing her niece, she was convinced that something happened to Dominic or could it be she has been called to the desk to receive a message from him. Could it be he decided to abandoned them at the airport because he could not face taking the two of them back to Britain with him?

Emma raced up with the stroller and identified herself with breathless urgency. But even as she did so, she was frowning in surprise at the rockily built young man standing several feet away.

"Steven...? What.. t are you doing here?" she exclaimed.

Steven went very red in the face and he pulled out the flowers he had been hiding behind his back and held the small bunch of blue roses, her favourite, out to her like an offering.

"Oh Steven"... She said chokily.

"Am sorry for not being present at your wedding,... I'm sure you understand why... But I really wish you all the best Em. You deserve all the happiness in the world".

"I understood Steven and thank you for being such an amazing friend, in spite of your feelings for me".

"Don't be a stranger, take Tiyar and come visit us sometime". Steven told her as she accepted the flowers.

She was so touched by his gesture that she reached for his hand and squeezed it tight, a sob catching in her throat.

"Please take care of yourself and Tiyar", Steven urged and then without giving any hint of his next move, he gathered her into a clumsy bear hug and kissed her on her right cheek.

Emma felt sorry for him, so she stood still and tolerated that one brief kiss because she could not bear to reject him yet again and it felt just then like the only consolation she could offer him.

Fifteen feet away, Dominic was paralyzed to the spot. He had headed to the relevant desk to investigate when he had heard Emma's name being called. He had however believed that the message might have been for another woman with the same name.

Now seeing her share a passionate embrace with Elizabeth's brother, he felt betrayed beyond belief. She was his bride, his wife, the mother of his futur children and she was kissing another man and sobbing over him in public place.

His hands clenched into a furious fists of restraint. Dark, dangerous tide of rage consuming Dominic almost splintered through his hard self control and provoked him into a violent intervention.

"Thanks for the flowers Steven".

She pulled back from Steven and barely a minute later, Dominic strode up while she was struggling to tighten Tiyar's safety harness. Emma felt jot and bothered. She had been planning to steal five minutes to freshen up before rejoining him.

"Where did you come from?" Emma enquired.

"I heard your name over the public announcement speaker", Dominic imparted, his attention welded to the lush fullness of her lower lip.

He was very much taken aback by the fierce sting of desire that assailed him in spite of what he had witnessed.

"Uhm.. it was a friend who came to say goodbye", she mumbled wrenching at the harness in frustration, "I think this damn thing is broken..."

"Allow me..." Dominic murmured flatly. Dominic sorted it using only one hand.

In the VIP lounge, Emma sat feeding Tiyar out of the jar of prepared food she had brought with her for emergency use.

"Could not that wait until we boarded the jet?" he asked as if he was embarrassed to be seen feeding a baby.

She shook her head in a negative respond. Tiyar might threw a fit if not fed on time.

Emma had started the day with a crazy sense of adventure, hospital discharge, dress hunting and her mood had gone steadily downhill ever since.

He hadn't even bothered to offer her lunch at the hotel when they stopped to pick his suitcase and her stomach was meeting her backbone.

He had treated her like wallpaper most of the day. And when he was not treating her like wallpaper and ignoring her, the billionaire was either accusing her of doing something dreadful or criticizing her.

Emma breathed in a deep pent up tears of self pity clogging her throat. Here she was traveling off into an unknown country to live which was quite terrifying and the only guy she had to depend on was behaving like an arrogant, insensitive asshole!

They boarded the private jet. Her hunger was not leaving her, she wonder if she fainted what Dominic would do?!

The jet took off. Emma was shown by the flight attendant into a sleeping compartment where a clot had already been secured for Tiyar's occupation. She tucked her baby in for a nap and look at the bed for grown up.

It was rare for Dominic to touch alcohol before evening. Emma, his wife had allowed him to put a wedding ring on her finger and then had allowed another man to put his hands on her. He pictured her tear stained face afresh as she clutched that pathetic bunch of flowers.

Dominic tipped his brandy back in one fiery gulp. Why has she not told him that she had a boyfriend? Was she in fact expecting to continue the affair in secret?

He set the glass down with a hard snap. How was he supposed to go away for weeks on business after he saw at the airport?

When Emma returned to the main cabin, she ostentatiously ignored him and picked up a magazine for good measure.

"I saw you with Steven at the airport", he murmured with icy cool.

"Oh, did you?" she was surprised not not concerned.

"Steven can be so kind and thoughtful". She declared with emphasis.

Dominic listened to that irrelevant and provocative response with an amount of disbelief that did nothing to cool his rage.

"And do you think am interested knowing this?" he enquired grittily.

"Oh no am sure you would not be interested", Emma counter back with a hint of acidity, mimicking interest in an article still not looking in his direction.

"Put that magazine down and look at me when I am speaking to you," Dominic instructed grimly.

Emma shrugged slowly and went ignoring him. She kept her attention on the magazine and turned page very slowly and carefully.

Maybe next time, he will use the word 'please' instead of barking orders. She was his wife not his servant.

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