Chapter 21

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Totally refreshed, Emma emerged from the bathroom with a white towel knotted around her and small droplets of water was still visible on her shoulders. Her nose twitched at the faint enticing aroma in the air and she followed it.

Dominic was standing by the balcony.

"Oh God!" she jerked to an halt few feet from the table that was now set with sparkling glasses and cutlery. A catering trolley standing by.
"Did you bring the food yourself?"

She was immediately aware that he was staring at her again. With her hair in damp disaray, her fair pink skin and a towel screening her slim curves between her breast and knee, Emma looked incredibly appealing.

" I mean... No but am here to dine with you... with my wife!"

In a complete surprise, she stared back at Dominic.

"Um..i mean if we are pretending that this is a normal relationship then we can't spend our wedding night apart. Don't you think so?" Dominic pointed out.

"ah.. Yeah... Right!" Emma mumbled, appreciating that he was only joining her because he had no other choice.

That means that his presence was nothing to get thrilled about.

"I better get dressed then".

"Dominic fought against a high urge to tell her that she looked great just as she was.

"I think a robe will do just fine,... um you don't want your dinner to turn cold right". He countered with studied casualness.

"I don't have one... I mean I don't have much else too".

"Then.... stay as you are", Dominic suggested huskily.

The simmering tension in the air danced along her nerve endings. He had changed as well, into a brown chinos and a very elegant blue open necked shirt. He managed to look impossibly sophisticated and gorgeous.

"I have to say that right now you don't look as stuffy as you usually do!" she exclaimed before she could think better of such frankness.

It was a word he associated with some of his starchier relatives, the ones boringly trapped in convention and habit. Was that how he seemed to her? Stuffy? She was seven years younger than he was. Was it such a gap?

"Um... We should eat", Dominic murmured flatly, determined not to react to this.

Emma knew she had offended him.

"Am sorry, I did not mean to.... It's just the way you talk and the suits... Am not used to businessmen and high rank men and I guess all of them wear suits"....

"What way do I talk?" Dominic discovered that he could not silence that question as he spun out a chair for her to sit down.

"Am sorry, I really did not mean to criticize you or..." Emma muttered anxiously, sitting down on the chair he offered. "You got fantastic manners and of course, you can't help being formal... I mean you are a billionaire..."

"A stuffy one, as it may seem", Dominic breathed and shrugged. That word she had used had been etched like an acid into his soul. "Let's just end it here and eat our dinner".

Emma nodded and gave him an awkward smile. Then she examined the contents on the table and exclaimed in delight at the sight of barbecue chicken, pizza and French fries. All her favorites! He did not joke about it.

"I hope you have a take away in your kitchen?"

"After what I have put you through in the last hours and days, I wanted you to enjoy something you like. Elizabeth told me that nothing and no one can stand between you and pizza".

"I eat loads of more healthy things too but Elizabeth would not have had a clue about that. To be honest, she and her brother eat stuff like this most of the time".

While Emma began to fill her plate, Dominic uncorked the champagne and filled the flutes.

She ate without cutlery, licking her fingertips clean like a delicate cat. Emma tore a strip off the pizza and bit off tiny pieces. Never until that moment had it occurred to him that watching a woman eat could be a sensual experience. He was absolutely fascinated.

"What would you like to talk about?" she asked cheerfully taking her glass to finish her champagne.

"My stuffy good manners prevented me from asking how you and your sister never met each other before you became a grown up adult?" Dominic admitted.

She tensed but tried to laugh off her discomfort.

"Oh, that's not a big deal. When our parents divorced, both cut contact with each other although till date I have no idea why they even divorced".

Reaching over, he linked his fingers with hers in a comforting gesture that was as instinctive as it was unusual for him.

"You did really well Em".

"You really think so?"

He was so close that Emma could hardly catch her breath.

"Absolutely!" he breathed a little thickly, leaning over her to let a soothing fingertip score the soft pink fullness of her lower lip in a touch as light as silk.

"Dominic"... She whispered. Without even knowing what she was about to do, Emma pulled Dominic down to her. He resisted and laughed huskily.

Emma felt foolish and her temper rise.
"Am not a joke or a toy for you to make fun of".

She proceed to get up from her chair.

Stunned by her reaction, Dominic reached out and tugged her straight back into his arms.

"You have no idea how you turn me on so hard and so fast that I can't even think straight when am this close to you", Dominic admitted in a roughtened undertone.

"Is it true or are you...?"

He spread long brown fingers to frame her cheekbones and his hands were not quite steady.

"I want you like crazy Em".

Then Dominic claimed a long, hard powerful kiss that made her grip his arms for support.

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