Chapter 9

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Without any delayed, Emma had made her way to the beach before someone stopped her to chat but that evening change her fate completely.

Emma was waiting for Dominic on the beach, it was completely dark and the beach was deserted without any sign of any noise or movement.

What happened was Emma was totally unaware that a pervert from the wedding has followed her. Due to Dominic presence earlier near her everytime, that particular guest could not approached her.

That pervert was completely drunk. Five minutes later, he appeared in front of her. That pervert was so desperate when Emma refused to even talk with him avoiding all interaction.

This caused an ugly fight which lead that man threw Emma on the sand and was proceeding to remove her dress. Emma was fighting him with all her strength and screaming for help at the same time.

She was praying that Dominic come soon for her rescue but instead of Dominic, it was a tattoo man who came and fight that pervert. Luckily that tattoo man was fishing nearby and heard her or else God know what would have happened.

Too exhausted and shaken, that tattoo man offered to walk her back. Her heart leaped with joy when she saw Dominic stepped out of his car parked across the street.

"Am so happy to see you". She confided, too delighted by his appearance that she forgot, she was almost raped minutes earlier.

"Is that so!! I wish I could say the same..." his jawline taut.

Bewildered, Emma stared up at him suddenly conscious she was looking less glam than earlier.

"Why are you talking like this?"

"Are you for real!!!.."

"There's an explanation for that..."

"Yes, I bet there is. I just got my explanation when I saw you with your arm around that tattoo guy. You were on the beach with him". Dominic murmured.

That guy left when Emma saw Dominic got out from his car or else he could have vouched what exactly happened.

"I don't have to be a genius to know that you have been screwing him. Messy dress, messy hair, ruined make up... You literally the conclusion of what sex on the beach means..."

"No, you've got it all wrong..."

"Really!!... Whatever, am not into liars or tattoos, or... Sluts for that matter." he added and left.

It took Emma a very long time to recover from that disappointment. Foolish thought it was, she had fallen in love within the space of forty eight hours. After that, Emma wished that she had never laid eyes on Dominic Martinez.

Drifting back to the present, Emma rediscovered her sense of purpose and hope.

Dominic had decided to have his breakfast in a public Cafe rather than in the isolation of his suite.

Having finished his breakfast, he walked back into his hotel. Emma's voice came back into his brain.
'I will die if you take her away from me'.

He was being forced to face the probability that Emma was very deeply attached to this baby. If he was to deprive Emma of Tiyar, can this grief drive her into doing something she should not?

That wasn't a risk he felt it would be reasonable for him to take. For the first time, Dominic acknowledged that Tiyar was as much as Emma's niece as his. Even more...

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