Chapter 3

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Emma watched the interaction happening in front of the door that led into the reception area. The reticent receptionist who received her earlier with a boring attitude was now standing with a megawatt smile on her face and a well dressed older man was greeting Dominic with a horrendous amount of bowing and scraping.

"Mr Martinez", the old man murmured dutifully.

As if he could sense her presence, Dominic turned his dark head towards her direction. Emma stomach flipped, her mouth ran dry and her heartbeat escalated as though she just run a marathon. It was like being hit by a truck and she froze with panic.

"What are you doing here?" Emma asked belligerently.

Though taken aback by her unexpected appearance and tones, Dominic did not show any sign of it. In the space of a moment, he had memories every facet of this woman poised by the door.

Emma folded her arms to hide the fact that her hands were shaking.

"I asked you a question Dominic... why are you here?" she demanded.

"Mr Martinez is attending this meeting at my request Miss Swan," the old lawyer interrupted in a shocked tone of criticism.

Dominic moved a step closer and extended both his lean brown hands. His stunning dark golden eyes met hers in a head on collision. Before Emma even knew what she was happening, he was uncrossing her defensive arms and freeing her fingers so as to make contact with him. Suddenly Emma was conscious of the yearning she could not deny had leaped up inside her.

"I know how close you were to your sister. Allow me to offer you my deepest condolences on her death", Dominic said with quiet gravity.

Suddenly pink color tide to wash on Emma's pale complexion. Her small hands trembled in hold of his, a tear threatened to fall. She could not doubt his sincerity and his compassion pushed her to the waves of emotions.

Dominic had put her in the wrong spot with his maturity, social sophistication and superb manners by answering her less than polite greetings with courtesy.

For this alone, Emma wept in rage. She refused to be impressed. And she also refused to think about how much he had hurt her almost three years earlier.

Instead, she concentrated on a more relevant line of attack. Where were  Dominic Diego Martinez and his rich snobby family been when Foska had been desperate for help and support? She yanked her hands in stark rejection.

"Keep your damn precious condolences to yourself! I don't need them". Emma told him baldly.

"Nonetheless they are yours". Dominic purred smoothly, marveling at the level of her aggression and her rejection.

Women were never aggressive towards Dominic or ungrateful for his consideration. Emma was the single exception to that rule.

"Mr Martinez... Please come this way," the lawyer urged him in a tone of apology.

An annoying shudder of anxiety traveled through Jacqueline. The lawyer began to read the will with haste eager to get an unpleasant task out of the way.

The document was short and simple. Now Emma understood why Dominic presence was so necessary. However, she could not accept what she had heard and questioned it....

"So just to confirm again,... My sister nominated Dominic as a legal guardian as well?"

"Yes Miss Swan". The lawyer repeated.

"What's the point? Am more than capable of taking care of Tiyar without any help, infact that the case since she was born!... I see no need for anyone else to get involved... Least of all... Him!" she added without looking at Dominic.

"it's not so simple", Dominic stated a faint frown line now divided his ebony eyebrows.

He was more surprised that the will had made no mention of Foska property and he made a note to investigate on this omission.

"It can be as simple as you are willing to make it. I don't know what came over Foska when she chose to include you"...

"Common sense!" Dominic counter back at her.

"I suppose Foska must have been scared that something may happen to one of us.... but luckily am fit and well able to take care of Tiyar all on my own".

"Am having some serious issue with this statement". Dominic murmured.

Emma gritted her teeth. "Mr Martinez," she shot back, "you can have issue with whatever you like but it is not going to change anything!"

"Your sister nominated you and Mr Martinez as joint guardians of her daughter", that's means you both have equal rights over the child".

"Equal rights?"

Emma shake her head in disbelief.

"No other arrangement is possible without application to the courts", the lawyer decreed.

"That's totally outrageous!" Emma launched at Dominic.

"With all due respect, my family is entitled to assist in the task of raising my brother's child".

"Oh, so that your precious family can make a bigger mess of bringing up Tiyar as they did with her father?" Emma slung back wrathfully as she leaped to her feet.

Fury traveled to Dominic handsome face.

"Both our siblings are now dead, let's face this reality".

"Don't you dare to ask me to respect David's memory after he wrecked my sister life!". Emma replied back with more anger.

"May I speak to Miss Swan alone for a few minutes?" Dominic asked the lawyer.

The old man who had silently watched this heated exchange was relief at that request and left the room.

"Sit down". Dominic said politely determined not to react to her provocation.
"Blaming each other in this situation is pointless. The child interest must come first!".

Emma was boiling like a volcano which could exposed any time now.
"Don't you dare tell me what is right or wrong! Let me tell you...."

Dominic rose from his seat with unhurried step.

"Firstly, you will lower your voice and moderate your language. You will also stop disrespecting me!".

"How dare you talk to me like that? Am not your stupid employee or servants! Emma launched at him.
" You walk in here, started laying down the law and acting like you know best... "

" Trust me sweetheart, I do know best", Dominic incised. "I recognize that you are still grieving and the recent loss may well have challenged your temper".

"Thats not the reason I am yelling at you". Emma informed him fiercely.
"Your brother robbed my sister of everything she possessed and left her penniless and in debt. He was a hateful liar and a cheater. He took her money and threw it away at gambling  and prostitutes. When there was nothing left, he told her he had never loved her and walked away!".

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