Chapter 35

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By the time the mansion appeared on the horizon, Emma was nervous with tension. She realized that she does not even know when this place became her home.

She was trying her best to hold back her tears from falling. She was remembering breakfasts when Dominic had cut up fresh fruit for her and made her feel like a princess or how he had driven her insane when he was trying to teach her how to drive.

In a silence that echoed and without even needing to discuss a preference, they both opted to go straight up to the nursery. Tiyar was asleep in her crib unaware of the revelations that had rocked the world of the adults.

"Can I visit her sometime?" Emma heard herself ask Dominic tightly as she walked back out of the room again.

"You are not going anywhere, why are you asking this". he replied slowing his long stride to match her slower pace.

"You don't have the right to tell me that now".

"Regardless of what happens between us, you will find I am keeping my promise sweetheart, always".

"Oh stop it Dominic, just accept the reality!" she lasted out at him, her desperate unhappiness finding a vent in temper.

Dominic swore under his breath, " Don't speak to me in that tone".

"Why not? I will... What are you going to do about it?"

Emma snapped like a cat ready to scratch. Dominic tugged her to him with one powerful hand and trapped her between the wall.

"What you like best love?"

Her heart started pounding, her breath parting her lips and her pupils dilated, she stared up at him, every skin cell on fire for him, every nerve singing sexual awareness. She wanted him instantly and desperately.

"No baby..." he told her with seething derision. "No talk.... no sex".

Her soft lips fell open. She twisted under his arm and stalked away.

"I did not want...."

"Oh, don't you dare lie to me!" Dominic launched at her wrathfully.

She was shattered that Dominic had raised his voice. She paled, just by looking at her, he had realized she wanted him. What else?? That she was hopelessly in love with him.


"Fine you don't want to talk, don't talk but at least you can listen", he delivered, lean, strong face grim and he bent down and scooped her up into his arms.

"Dominic, when you are in the middle of an argument with someone, you don't just lift that person in the middle of it and carry them away!" Emma hissed enraged.

Dominic took a look at her furiously flushed face.

"Why not, honey?"

"Because... Because.. it's disrespectful... that's why!" she declared.

He shouldered open the bedroom door and kicking the door after he entered it. He strode over to the bed and settled her firmly down on the edge of it.

"Now, let's talk", he said looking deep into her eyes. "You first".

"Fine, you want to talk? Okay... I will say it all for you", Emma told him jerkily.

"Why did not I think of that before? I really should have taken you into the office with me as you so much like to talk...."

"Dominic, stop making jokes about this,... this is not the time!"

All of a sudden, she was finding it difficult to maintain her act of indifference.

"You know, we only got married because you wanted Tiyar to have a mother, a complete family".

"No, I don't know that", Dominic respond infuriating.

Emma fixed her eyes on him.

"Stop, this is not the time to make fun. You felt sorry for me because of what Elizabeth told you about me..."

Dominic unfroze from his intimidating stance over her and hunkered down at the side of the bed so that their eyes were on the same level.

"That's not important love".

"Of course it is important... How can you say this?" she gasped, tears making her difficult to speak and her restive hands twisting together.

"It's sad", he murmured by unlinking her tense fingers and held them in his.
"Em, you survived leukemia and there was a price to pay. Am glad to have you here alive and healthy".

"Why?" Emma whispered shakily.

"I can do without having children,... infact I already have Tiyar, if you want we can adopt or foster more, whatever you like. But one thing is damn sure and that is I cannot live without you".

Emma was as still as a statue. She could not come to term that he could feel that way.

"You can't mean that... no you can't,... you are just feeling sorry for me".

"I don't feel sorry for you. Yes I was sad to know about your fertility but science has evoluate now, am sure there are various remedies available. It's not the end of the world sweetheart. I can see that it's still bothering you but I have already come to terms with it long before", Dominic told her intently.

"There's a small chance that I might be able to conceive. The doctors don't really know how much damage was caused by the treatment I had when I was ill... but I don't want you to get your hopes up".

"My Love, I would suggest we don't even think of that slight possibility. We only have one life and we should make the most of it. I have found a happiness with you greater than anything I have ever known and I absolutely refuse to give that up", Dominic swore with sincerity.

The silence lasted a long time while she tried to find fault with that statement but she was unable to.

"... you mean,... you are saying... you want to stay married to me even through I can't have kids?" she almost whispered.

"Yes love", Dominic confirmed.

Her eyes were huge.

"I really make you that happy?"

"Yes honey, you do..."

"So, you don't think a divorce would be a good idea?" she pressed unevenly.

"I think... it would be the greatest mistake of my life", he told her boldly, drewing her up with him. "I can't let you go...i am head over heels over the moon in love with you".

Her eyes shone and her face lit up.


Dominic tugged her to him possessively.

"I love you..."

She wrapped her arms tightly around him.

"I love you too..." Emma replied shyly.

Dominic snatched her off her feet and kissed her with all the fire of his passionate temperament. One kiss led to another and matters became pretty heated very quickly.

A long time afterwards, while they lay secure in each other's arm, Dominic proposed that they adopted Tiyar officially and at the same time tried to get her promise that she would return the fancy lingerie and supper on the floor seduction routine for his benefit routine.

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