Chapter 24

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Emma made a hurried attempt excuse to cover up that she knew Dominic would expect from her.

"Oh granny, there's nothing wrong I assure you", she replied giving the old woman a genuine smile to punctuate even more the facts.

"My lovely girl, it's natural that you should miss your husband, especially after such a short honeymoon. I am a bit sad that you parted so soon after your wedding".

Tears stung the back of Emma's eyes in a dismaying surge. It had not occurred to her that she would miss Dominic quite so dreadfully.

"When I married him, I knew about his busy life. He told me that he had to work hard to keep the worries away from the family. He also told me how much he loved his work," Emma said looking away for a second to hide the tears. "So, I will see him when I will see him".

"Oh my child, I appreciate how understanding you are, but I can still see in your eyes how much it costs you to accept this. You are still at the beginning of your married life, you should be spending time together, talk about your family's futur".

"I get your point granny... but I can't ask Dominic to turn his entire world upside down just to accommodate me, I am not this selfish... I am sure in time, we will take care of this...."

"If you say so my dear... Remember that I am always here if you need to talk about it".

"Thank you granny, you are very kind". Emma added eagerly to change the subject.

"Look, it is too dull here for you when Dominic is away," Margaret opined.
"Why don't you just stay at our penthouse in the city for a few days? You could shop and mix with the other young people in the family there. I believe you met some of them at your sister's wedding and these past few days too when they came to visit you".

Emma was thrown by that suggestion but immediately aware of it's appeal. Sitting around doing nothing was draining her confidence and depressing her. But if she went to the city, he might be annoyed too as the terms of their marriage deal did not allow her much room for independence. Whether she liked it or not, she had agreed that Dominic could do as he liked. All she had asked for in return was the right to care for Tiyar and she had received that.

On the other hand, hadn't the wedding night she had shared with Dominic blown that original agreement of theirs right out of the water!

Emma decided that it would be best if she arrived in the city while Dominic was still abroad on his business trip, that way her presence might look coincidence and he would not even need to know that she was desperate to see him.

Before the wedding, she was too scared to spend his money on anything but now however, she was aware that Dominic was accustomed to perfect women, at least on the outside. So, she decided she needs to change a few things, she was now a wife of a billionaire. The hair, nails, cosmetics, waxing, the whatever... She would go for the entire package.

There was, Emma acknowledged shamefacedly, she would do everything to get close to Dominic again. And if she failed, well atleast she tried. After all, what did she have to lose?

Striding through the airport, Dominic checked his watch with impatience. He would be at his penthouse within the hour. It was almost three weeks since he had left the family mansion and now he was extremely eager to see Emma.

He could not understand how he had managed to make such a mess of things with her. Dominic was neither moody nor bad tempered and he was not one to hold grudge either.

The knowledge that Emma was in the city had increased his eagerness to get home. It had been six days since he had even contrived to speak to her. He had been working very long hours and the time difference had forced him to call at awkward times.

Then when he had called, Emma had always been out. He assumed his grandma was trotting her and Tiyar out to meet every friends and relatives they possessed.

His driver was so intent on the colorful celebrity magazine he was reading that he did not notice his presence until the last possible moment, Dominic noted in some exasperation. Muttering embarrassed apologies, the older man rushed to open the passanger door and dropped the magazine.

On the front cover, it carried a picture of his lovely wife Emma in her simple yet elegant wedding dress. Dominic snatched it up in disbelief. An article several pages long liberally spattered with photos of his wife greeted Dominic's incredilous gaze.

The dress he had hated so much was rated as the number one true bridal style. There was Emma looking improbably demure and dignified seated in the salon of his penthouse. She had let camera into one of his houses... am sure grandma was involved in this.

He breathed in very deeply. In another one, was Emma prancing along a catwalk arm in arm with his cousin, Lilian, at some charity fashion show.... Emma arriving at the opening night of a musical wearing a gliterring green evening dress that fitted like a mermaid skin... Emma showing the most shocking length of leg in a striped blue miniskirt as she climbed out of a.... Ferrari? Whose Ferrari? Whose damn does this Ferrari belong to?

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