Chapter 31

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Dominic dug his cellphone back into his pocket. He felt slightly worried. Was it his grandmother? But she had been pronounced fit at a recent examination a couple of weeks earlier. Dominic had allowed Angelo to run a full battery of tests including DNA on his little niece.

What the hell was happening that his friend could not tell him on the phone? Maybe the tests showed something wrong with Tiyar? Was she ill? But why had it taken Angelo so long to approach him with the result?
Emma did not even know about half of those tests.

He drove to the clinic with the immense care of someone worried sick. What is there was something seriously wrong with Tiyar? Leukemia, he thought strickenly. Was it hereditary?

His hands gripped the steering wheel with fierce power of his disturbed emotions. He imagined what that terrible battle would do to Emma... and to him. Dominic knew that he would have to be strong for all of them.

Angelo, a tall, thin man opened the door of his office. It was after opening hours and the reception area was empty.

"Come in Dom".

Lean, powerful face pale and grim, Dominic refused to take the offered seat.

"Spare all this formalities and just give me the bad news".

"Well... the DNA results on your late brother's child arrived this afternoon".

"You asked me to come here to discuss Tiyar's DNA result?" Dominic interrupted in surprise.

"Of course, what do you expect else? Should I remind you that you asked me to take care of the testing when you brought the baby for her medical visit", Angelo replied. "Tiyar is a perfectly healthy child, there's nothing wrong with this part".

Even after giving him the good news, Angelo kept this frowning expression. He extended a folded sheet of paper to Dominic, his former school friend.

"But you better take a look at this. I dealt with the DNA testing personally, so none of my staff have had access to this information.

Dominic flipped open the document and read the type lines several times over with fierce concentration.

" No, I don't believe this! No, it can't be true, Angelo... there must be some mistake! You need to redo the test!" he contended in a flat rebuttal.

"Dominic, am sorry but the test prove beyond doubt that Tiyar is not your sister in law's child but is well your brother's daughter", Angelo pronounced with a regretful sigh.

Dominic was so shocked that he dropped heavily down onto the chair opposite the other man. He began to speak and then though better of it.

"Am sure that this news will be equally distressing for your wife to hear, the reason why I did not come to your house".

But Dominic no longer listening to the doctor's words. Dark anger was rising in a flood tide inside him, washing away the trusting foundation of the newer ties that had formed in more recent times.

Is Emma aware of this. The sisters must both have known the truth, they wanted to benefit from his wealth or else what other reason they had. Dominic refused to believe otherwise. But who was Tiyar's real mother and where is she?

"Am sorry Angelo. I must go home and solve this matter once and for all".

Angelo looked concerned.

Dominic was too blinded by anger to think properly. He had allowed himself to become the victim of these sisters scam. What else could it be? Two shrewd took the great billionaire for a perfect fool.

He had married a virtual stranger on the strength of his conviction that this little girl was his brother and sister in law's child. He should have insisted for the DNA first before taking such step.

How much had he been influenced by Elizabeth's sob story about Emma inability to have a baby of her own? Had Emma even had leukemia when she was a child or was all this a big lie of their plan.

Back in the house, Dominic strode into the vast and imposing salon and pour himself a drink. He drained the glass and strode upstairs to the nursery.

Tiyar was fast asleep. She looked a lot like his brother he acknowledged. Dominic surveyed the child whom he now knew has a different mother and he should investigate who she is.

He had never had much interest in children but he had learned to love Tiyar, one smile at a time, one curious glimpse at a time and he was head over heels in love with her.

Yet, the woman he trusted the most deceived him in such a manner, he had never imagined.

Meanwhile in their bedroom, Emma was preparing a surprise for Dominic by wearing a lace trimmed purple silk lingerie set.

The food she had ordered arrived on a trolley along with an ice bucket and champagne. She took the trolley inside and began lighting the scented candles.

Since Dominic gave her flowers and a romantic card, she will give him.... a rerun of their wedding night with supper sex.

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