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8:00 am,

Fatima, woke up by the sound her stomach was making. Ya Allah I'm hungry. Fatima said with a yawn.
she scramble out of bed and walks to the kitchen.

Fatima reached the kitchen and found her husband in the kitchen mixing eggs.
Fatima walks in and greets him but gets no reply.
I'm greeting you and you ignore me. Fatima muttered exasperatedly.

Firdausi how was your night? Mujahid asked walking to the gas cooker to turn it on.
Fatima ignored him also. She walked to the fridge and opened it then took out the slice of bread and a margarine.

she opened the cabinet and took out one pot. She rinsed it and put a little water in it. she walks to the gas where her husband is standing. She turns on the second one and puts the pot of water on the gas cooker.

all this while Mujahid was so busy with his phone that he forgot he was frying an egg.
Fatima finished boiling her water. She turned the gas off and turned the hot water in her cup.

Fatima watches her husband's egg burn.
Fatima takes her bread and tea. She glances at her husband one more time before exiting the kitchen.

the smell of burnt egg wafts closer to Mujahid's nostril. he hoists his head up and finds out that his egg has burnt.
Oh my God! Mujahid facepalm. he quickly turns off the gas and strides out of the kitchen angrily.

Fatima! Firdausi! Mujahid hollered walking to Fatima's room.
IB? I'm so happy I can't wait to see you! Fatima muttered happily. IB you don't know how much I miss you. I miss you so much. Fatima muttered.

Mujahid halted in his tracks listening to Fatima's conversation.
Fatima! Mujahid called clenching his fist.
IB bye call me when you take off. Fatima said and she hung up.

she pivots her gaze to her husband.
Yes! Fatima answers raising her brow.
Fatima who are you talking to on the phone? Mujahid asked.
Fatima ignored him and took the last sip of tea to her mouth.

I'm talking to you Fatima who is IB? Mujahid asks already losing his temper.
Fatima are you cheating on me? Mujahid asked yet got no reply.
this got him more furious.

Fatima grabs the cup and stands to her feet.
Fatima don't leave this room unless you give me an answer. Mujahid yelled.
Fatima ignored him and started walking to the door.
Firdausi! Mujahid hollered. he forcefully grabbed her hand.

who is IB? Mujahid ask giving Fatima a deadly glare.
Fatima's heart started beating rapidly. since she got married to Mujahid she has never seen him this upset.

Fatima started crying.
Mujahid was confused. why is she crying or is it an act? Mujahid asks himself.
Mujahid, why have you suddenly changed? this is not the man I marry. this is not the Mujahid Abdullah that I know. the guy I bumped into at the bank in Yola. the man who promised not to hurt me but to love me. where is the trust we have for each other?

Mujahid if anyone should tell you that your wife is cheating on you with another man will you believe it? but you accused me of cheating on you.
Mujahid you are making this home boring for me. you changed since the day I told you I was pregnant. Fatima said already in tears.

Mujahid felt bad for what he had been doing to her.
I'm sorry but...
I will try to be the way I was before. Mujahid muttered.
he wiped off Fatima's tears and hugged her to his body.

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