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Aneel, stop stressing me. Come here let me dress you up for school. Afrah yelled.
Mummy, I want Daddy to dress me up. You are sluggish. Aneel muttered.
Afrah ran after him.
Aneel barge inside Ahmad's bedroom and hide behind his back.

What is going on? Ahmad ask Afrah who is panting like she did a marathon.
Your Son is stressing me. My One, take dress him up. I'm tired. Afrah muttered.
Aneel, let her dress you up. Afrah is the one dressing you up why don't you want her to dress you up today? Do you want to return to your mother? Ahmad ask with a raised brow.

No, I don't want to go back to that boring house.
Mummy and her friends are strict. They always yell at me anytime they visited her. Aneel mumble.
Mummy is sluggish. She isn't strong like she used to. Aneel muttered with a pout.

Even Aneel notice that. Are you sure you are not pregnant? Ahmad ask Afrah.
My One, I'm not pregnant you have been asking me this question countless times. If I am pregnant why should I hide it from you? Afrah muttered with a hiss.

Don't be upset with me. We are just curious. Ahmad muttered.
You are curious not Aneel. Aneel doesn't know anything about pregnancy. Afrah corrected.
When last did you see your period? Ahmad ask Afrah.
My One, Aneel will be late for school. Afrah muttered.
No, Mummy I won't. Answer your husband.
I want to become a brother. Aneel mumble.

Aneel, Ahmad and Afrah called with wide eyes. To say they are shock will be an understatement.
My One, are you sure he is not possessed? how does he understand what we are saying? Afrah muttered.
Ahmad glared at her.
No, My One. What I mean is that Aneel is too young to understand this. Afrah muttered.

He might say that but he doesn't know what it means to be pregnant.
Afrah, we will go to the hospital when I'm back from work. You have been acting weak lately.
Aneel is right you are acting sluggish.
Ahmad muttered.
Aneel, come here let me dress you up.
You will be late for school and I will be late for work. Ahmad muttered.
Dad, I don't want to go to school today. Aneel frown.

I will not allow you to stay at home. You won't let Mummy rest. Ahmad muttered and quickly dressed Aneel up.
Afrah stride out of Ahmad's bedroom and walk to the kitchen.
She arrange Aneel's lunch box and saunter out of the kitchen.
Afrah walk to the living room and gives Aneel the box.
Bye, Mummy. Take care. Aneel wave at Afrah.
Bye, Aneel. Afrah wave back.

Aneel ran out of the living room.
Hayati, please don't stress yourself. I will order what we will eat.
I will make sure I come back early so we can go to the hospital. Ahmad muttered.
I love you. Ahmad kissed Afrah on her cheek.
Love you too. Afrah muttered.
Daddy, I'm waiting. Aneel hollered stamping his feet on the ground.

Ahmad rush to the door and saunter out of the living room.
Afrah shook her head and headed towards her bedroom.
She sit on the bed what Ahmad said keep churning in her head.
I am a doctor but how come I'm not aware I'm pregnant? Afrah muttered with a sigh.

She stand up and head towards the wardrobe open it and take out one thousand Naira note.
She walk to the door and saunter out of her bedroom.
Afrah reach the gate and send the gateman to buy her pregnancy test strips.
She return inside immediately the gateman left.


Aneel, Your Daddy didn't allow you to stay at home too? Fawzan ask Aneel.
Yes, he didn't. Aneel pout.
My Mummy want to beat me if I don't go to school. Hidaya muttered.
Our Daddy promise not to buy ice cream for us if we didn't go to school. Namir and Nimrah muttered.
The kids burst into a fit of laughter.
Our plans didn't work. They chores.

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