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Fatima's Pov

Abbah, why is he quiet? I muttered impatiently glancing at my Dad. Doctor, what is wrong with my grandson? Abbah ask him.
He smiled at Abbah.
Your grandson is perfectly okay. He just had a shock. The Doctor announced.

I wipe off my tears and walk to him.
Doctor, what causes the shock? I ask him.
Did he watch a scary cartoon or did someone scare him with something? The Doctor asked me.
I remain quiet blaming myself for taking Fawzan to the park.

I took him to the park. He saw someone disguised as a teddy bear. At first, he was scared but then he got rid of his fear and started playing with the teddy bear. I muttered.
Your Son doesn't like scary things. Don't ever take him there again else your Son will end up having a nightmare at a tender age.
How old is he? The Doctor asked me.
Doctor, he is 2 years three months old. I muttered.

Your Son is fine now. He has been crying and calling you since he woke up. The Doctor muttered with a smile.
I smiled back and walked to the ward.
I rush to Fawzan immediately I enter the ward.
Mummy, Fawzan cried pointing at the drip attached to his hand.

I'm sorry, baby. I muttered and hugged his little body to my body.
I wipe off my tears.
Abbah, Ummi, and my brothers walk in.
Now you are happy, Your Son is alive. Ya Yusuf said to me with a hiss.

Yusuf, she is a mother. She goes through pain to give birth to him. Why won't she be worried? Ummi said to Ya Yusuf glaringly.
Apa, Choco. Fawzan said to Abbah.
Grandpa forgot to take your chocolate but Uncle Ahmad will buy it for you. Abbah muttered.

Fawzan pout and we all chuckle.
We all stay with Fawzan.
I checked the time and it was 6:00 Pm.
Ummi, Abbah. I will spend the night with him. I muttered.
No, since Fawzan is okay now. I will talk to the Doctor to discharge him. Abbah muttered.

Okay, Abbah. I muttered adjusting Fawzan's head on my chest.
He is asleep.
Ibrahim strides out of the ward.
The Doctor walks in and checks Fawzan.
He gave me the discharge papers and I signed them.
Fawzan was discharged.

I swoop him up and we stride out of the ward.
We walk to the car and enter the car.
We reach home and the gateman opens the gate for us.
Ibrahim parked his car in the parking lot.
I saunter out of the car with Fawzan and start marching Inside.

We reach the living room and we all sit on the couch.
Khadija is done with her final exam. She is now a graduate. Abbah muttered.
Abbah told me she would come back tomorrow. Ibrahim muttered.
I think I will get you two married. Abbah tease Ibrahim and I chuckle.

Ummi, can I bathe him without waking him up? I ask Ummi.
No, let him be. If he wakes up you should bathe him. Ummi muttered.
I nod my head and stand up.
I started trudging upstairs with Fawzan.
I reach my bedroom and open the door.
I walk to the bed and gently lay him down.

I glance at Fawzan and break down.
Mujahid, I hate you so much. I muttered with gritted teeth.
You will never find happiness in your life. I cursed wiping off my tears.
I stand up and walk to the bathroom.
I wash my face and perform ablution.
I saunter out of the bathroom and glance at Fawzan yet he is still sleeping.

I got scared but shrugged it off.
I take my hijab and put it on.
I spread the prayer mat and started praying.
I finished praying still on the prayer mat praying to the Lord to ease my affairs.
Mummy, I heard Fawzan's tiny voice.

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