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Daddy, why did Mom spurned to come with us? Kayla asked me.
I smiled at her.
Let me take you to your new room. I said to the girl.
Daddy, Kayla pout.
I squat down to her level and cupped her cheeks in my palm.

Mummy, has a friend's wedding to attend. She will join us once the wedding is over. I muttered.
She loves Aliyah despite how horrible she has been treating her.
My business is moving smoothly.
All thanks to Muhammad but I would say this work is hectic.
Trip to a different state.

I never believed I would ever step foot in Adamawa and here I am. My work has brought me here.
I'm going to spend four years before I can get a transfer to another place.
Daddy, I want to pee. Kayla muttered pressing her legs.
I drop her suitcase and unzip her trousers.

I helped her take it off and took her to the toilet.
I took her out.
Kayla, stay in your room. I will prepare noodles for you. I muttered.
She nods her head nibbling on her finger.

I saunter out of Kayla's room and take a long stride to the kitchen.
Oh shit, I cursed.
I facepalm and check my time.
I saunter out of the kitchen.
Daddy, I heard Kayla's tiny voice.
I whirl around and smile at her.
Kayla, let me go and buy things we will use. I muttered even though she didn't understand what I was saying.

Daddy, I will go with you. Kayla pout.
Okay, let's go together. I muttered and swooped her up.
I started walking to the porch.
I twist the doorknob and Saunter out of the living room.
I walk to my car and open it.
I drop Kayla down on the seat.
I hop in and zoom out of the house.

I drive to a nearby shopping Mall.
I park my car in the parking lot and Saunter out of the car.
I open the door and take Kayla.
I held her hand and began to walk inside.
I took the cart and started wheeling it to different areas inside the mall.

Daddy, this. Kayla touched a toy.
I take it and put it inside the cart.
My phone started ringing.
I glanced at it and it was Abdulrahman
I picked it up but couldn't hear him due to the noise in the mall.
Kayla, wait for me here. Don't go anywhere. I warn her strictly.
I walk to the door.

I finish making the call and return to where I left Kayla. She wasn't there. I panicked.
I began to search for her inside the enormous mall.
I ask everyone in the mall showing them her picture.
Ya Rabb, where could she...
I saw her sitting on a bench with a boy probably her age.

I rush to her.
Kayla, why did you leave that place? Didn't I warn you not to leave there? I yell at the three-year-old girl.
She had tears in her eyes.
You are yelling at my friend.
My Mummy said it's bad to yell at children. The little boy said to me.

I didn't notice him I was busy yelling at my daughter.
I pivot my gaze to him.
I smiled at him.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at your friend but she got me worried and she disobeyed me. I said to him.
Sorry, Kayla. The boy muttered shushing Kayla up.

What is your name? I ask him.
My name is Fawzan. The little boy muttered.
I smiled at him.
Wow, you have a cute name just like you. I muttered touching his cheek which elite giggle from him.
Who brought you here? I ask him.

My Daddy is paying the bills. Fawzan muttered pointing at the man in front of the cashier.
The man walks to us.
Daddy, I meet with a New friend.
Her name is Kayla. This is her daddy. Fawzan said to his father with a smile.
The man smiles and extends his hand for a handshake.

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