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Ahmad keep turning on his bed, hissing Nonstop. He tried to raise his head from the pillow but staggered.
Ahmad let out a groan clutching his head. He drew the duvet to his trembling body.
Ahmad glance at the AC. Ya Rabb, how can I turn it off? Ahmad muttered with a sigh.

He stretch his hand forward and pick up his phone. Ahmad called Rauda but she wasn't picking up. He plop the phone on the bed with a disappointed hiss.

Rauda keep swaying the Nine months old baby that has been crying since Afrah return him to her.
Rauda has tried her best as the mother to shush baby Aneel up but all her effort went in vain.
She tried breastfeeding him but he refused to take the milk.

Rauda hissed frustratedly.
Afrah walked in.
Afrah, please can you help me take care of him? I'm tired. Rauda muttered.
Afrah shook her head. Sometimes she wonder if Rauda is truly a grown-up and ready to be a mother.
I can't believe she doesn't know how to handle her baby. Afrah muttered inwardly.

She took Aneel from Rauda and started singing a lullaby to the baby swaying him.
Aneel's wail began to soften and he stopped crying.
I wish you can breastfeed him, he should always stay with you. I told Ahmad I was not ready to become a mother, if he can't control his desire I should take pills but he refused. Rauda mumble.

Ya Rauda, you might not want to become a mother now but your husband want to become a father. It's your right to agree with him and grant him his wish. Afrah muttered.
Rauda glared at her.
Ya Rauda, what should I prepare for breakfast? Afrah asked.
Afrah, I'm tired. Ask Ahmad. Rauda muttered tiredly.

Ya Rauda, have you seen your husband today? Afrah asked.
No, I haven't. I believe he is fine. Rauda mumble.
You should go to his room and check why he is not here. Your husband is not the type of Man who doesn't check on his wife every morning but you haven't seen each other and you are okay. Ya Rauda...

Afrah, stop lecturing me on what to do in my matrimonial home. He is my husband, not yours. Please leave my room before I lose my patience. Rauda yelled.
Afrah shook her head and Saunter out of Rauda's bedroom.
She walk to Ahmad's bedroom and knock on the door.

Afrah keep knocking on the door. Come in. Afrah heard Ahmad's obscured voice.
She twist the doorknob and walk inside.
Afrah halt in her track. With wide-eyed and mouth agape she muttered, Abu Aneel.

Afrah walk to the bed.
Are you sick? Afrah ask Ahmad.
Ahmad nod his head and point at the AC.
Afrah drop baby Aneel beside Ahmad and walked to the switch then turn off the AC.
Afrah, Keep watching Ahmad without knowing what to do.

She run out of his bedroom and walk to Rauda's bedroom.
Afrah walked in and saw Rauda sleeping soundly. She hissed and stormed out of the bedroom.
Afrah walk to her bedroom. She picks up her purse and hijab and then rush out of the bedroom.
Afrah takes a long stride to the living room. She twist the doorknob and saunter out of the living room.

Afrah returned with the herb and some malarial medicines. She is a Doctor but is on leave to take care of her cousin.
Afrah rush to the kitchen and prepare the herb for Ahmad.
She makes tea and a sandwich for him.
Afrah arranged them on the tray and Saunter out of the kitchen.

She walk to Ahmad's bedroom and open the door with her left hand.
Afrah walk in and walk to Ahmad.
Abu, Aneel. You are having a high fever. Can you sit up? I prepare herb for you and also bought you medicine. Afrah muttered.
Afrah, please help me. Ahmad muttered stretching his hand forward to Afrah.

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