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It's been six months since Fawzan slipped into coma. Fatima has been crying her eyes out every day she visited her Son with the hope of seeing him wake up.
Various test were carried out.
It shows he is suffering from Ischemic heart disease.


Mummy, Mummy, Fawzan cried.
He ran out of his bedroom and started trotting downstairs.
Mummy, she is after me. Mummy, she had a knife. Mummy, they are two. Mummy saved me. Fawzan cried.
Fawzan reached the living room and Fatima wasn't in the living room.

His heart began to beat rapidly. He started taking steps backwards.
Please don't come near me. Please don't kill me. I did nothing to you. Fawzan cried.
His back hit the wall. Fawzan let the tears stream down his cheek before letting out a scream.

Fatima and Muhammad were in the kitchen preparing dinner when they heard Fawzan's scream.
Fatima threw the spoon on the floor and ran out of the kitchen.
Fatima and Muhammad rush to unconscious Fawzan.

Fawzan, open your eyes. Fawzan, Fatima shake Fawzan vigorously.
Zawj, why isn't he opening his eyes?
Zawj, let's take him to the hospital. Fatima cried.
Muhammad swoop Fawzan in his hand and saunter out of the living room.
Fatima head to his bedroom and take the car key.

Fatima keep sobing throughout the drive to the hospital.
Noor, Fawzan will be alright. Muhammad muttered.
They reach the hospital and Muhammad drives inside.
Muhammad park his car in the parking lot.
They Saunter out of the car.

Muhammad and Fatima started trotting towards the pediatric ward.
Two medical personnel approached them and took Fawzan from them.
He was taken to the emergency ward for emergency treatment.
The Doctor check on him and suggest some tests should be carried out to know what is wrong with him.

Cardiac catheterization test was taken to check his blocked arteries.
An echocardiogram test was taken to look at how his heart valves and chamber pumping blood.
X-ray and CT scans were taken to look at his heart structure.

When the test results were ready, it was forwarded to the Doctor's office.
Treatment began immediately.
ICD Implantable cardioverter defibrillator was attached to his chest because his breathing was slow. It will take his breath back to normal rhythm.
The biventricular pacemaker was attached beneath his skin to synchronize his heart rhythm so that the heart contract and pump blood effectively.

Doctor, what is wrong with my Son?
Why do you attach so many machines to his chest?
He isn't breathing. Fatima cried.
Doctor, please tell us what is wrong with my Son. Muhammad muttered.
The Doctor heave a sigh and break the news to them.
Ischemic heart disease. Fatima called and fall to the ground.

Mr. Muhammad, is your Son going through emotional trauma? He thinks a lot and didn't open up to you.
Has he ever complained of chest pain? Is this the first time he fainted?
Are you two tormenting him?
Why is he thinking a lot that it affects his heart?
This is a deadly disease.
He is too young to undergo such trauma.

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