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Fatima, keep pacing impatiently in her father's living room. Fatima, calm down we have informed the police.
They will get your Son back if Mujahid truly takes him to Bida.
Just relax. Alhaji Umar muttered.
Noor, listen to Abbah. You have been crying since yesterday. You will fall sick. Muhammad muttered.

I don't care if I fall sick. I don't know how my Son is coping with that monster.
I should have known all this would happen, I wouldn't have allowed Fawzan get attached to him. Fatima cried.
They heard the sound of the door.
Everyone rush to the door.
Muhammad opened the door and saw Fawzan standing by the entrance.

Mummy, Fawzan called and ran to Fatima.
Fatima hugs Fawzan tightly and cry her eyes out.
I'm sorry, I shouldn't have allowed you close to that man.
Did he harm you? Fatima muttered checking Fawzan.
Zawj, he looks tired.
Fawzan, have you been crying since yesterday? Fatima ask him.
Yes, Mummy. He took me to somewhere and I don't know those people.

I'm scared of them. Mummy I don't want to see them again. Fawzan muttered hiding his face on Fatima's shirt.
You will not see them again. I will protect you. Fatima muttered.
You only miss Mummy right? Muhammad muttered.
Fawzan smile and walk to Muhammad.

No, Daddy, I miss you but I'm angry with you.
Why did you take me to his house? I don't want to talk to you. Fawzan grimace.
Muhammad bend down to his level and hug him.
I'm sorry, Son. I didn't know he was up to something tragic I wouldn't take you to his house.

Please forgive Daddy. I will never make such a mistake again. Muhammad apologized.
Fawzan, hug Muhammad.
The rest of the family welcome him.
Fawzan, who brought you here? Alhaji Umar asked him.
Kayla's Daddy but he drop me at the gate. Fawzan muttered.

Abbah, that man needs to be punished.
We should search for him. Ahmad muttered with gritted teeth.
No, let's leave him.
Punishing him is not the best thing to do.
He is Fawzan's father and deserves to have him in his life.
We should be glad he did the best thing this time by returning him to us. Alhaji Umar muttered calmly.

Mummy, I'm tired. Fawzan muttered.
You two can go home since your Son is back. Alhaji Umar muttered.
Muhammad picks Fawzan up and walks towards the exit.
Fatima trails behind him.
They walk to the car and hop in.
Fatima, keep stealing glances at Muhammad.
Wave of guilt flushed over her face.

Muhammad reach home and drive inside.
He parked his car in the parking lot and took Fawzan out.
Muhammad and Fatima march quietly to the porch.
She twist the doorknob and they walk in.

Let me take you to your room. Muhammad muttered.
He walks to Fawzan's room.
Fatima walks in.
She watched Muhammad put Fawzan to bed.
Muhammad scramble out of bed and started walking towards the door without saying anything to Fatima.
Zawj, can we talk? Fatima muttered.

Muhammad whirl around and face Fatima.
Fatima ducked her head fidgeting with her finger.
I'm sorry, for accusing you wrongly.
I think I overreacted. Fatima muttered.
Muhammad smiled at her.
It's okay. Muhammad muttered.
Have you forgiven me? Fatima ask him.
I'm not angry with you. Muhammad muttered.

They glance at Fawzan once again and Saunter out of the bedroom.
They walk to the living room and sit down.
Zawj, I thought Mujahid would have a heart but I was wrong again.
How could he take this boy away without my consent?
He is so selfish. Fatima spat.

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