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Since I saw Mujahid, the pain he inflicted on me has come back. I wasn't expecting to see him here.
Fear of losing my Son skates in me.
Mujahid knows that Fawzan is his Son.
He will come here soon and take him away from me.
Mujahid, you always find your way to ruin my happiness.
Why are you stalking me?

Mummy, I'm ready. Fawzan tapped me on my shoulder.
I smiled at him and took his backpack.
Let's go. I muttered and Saunter out of my bedroom with him.

Mummy, Daddy is here. Fawzan hollered.
He runs to Michael and jump on his lap.
Abbah smiled at him.
I greet Michael.
Michael swoop Fawzan up and Saunter out of the living room.
I trail behind them.

Mummy, can I go to Kayla's house? Fawzan asked me immediately Michael ignited the car engine.
No, you won't go. I muttered.
Mummy, please. Fawzan pout.
Fawzan, you will not go to that house. I yelled.
He began to cry.
Fatima, why won't you let him go? The kids are fond of each other. Mujahid is a nice man. Michael muttered.

Michael, please.
I don't want my Son to go to that house.
I will change his school because I won't let him get so attached to that stranger's daughter. I muttered angrily.
Michael raised a confused brow at me.

Fawzan cried his eyes out.
Michael reached the school and drove inside.
Daddy, I won't go to school. I want to go to Kayla's house her father like me. Fawzan muttered with a cracked voice.
I will talk to Mummy. She won't stop you from going to Kayla's house. Michael muttered.

Let's go else you will be late for class and your teacher will whip you. Michael said to Fawzan.
He opens the door for him.
Are you going with us? Michael asked me.
No, I will wait for you here. I muttered.
Not sparing him a look.
Fawzan, won't you say bye to Mummy? I heard Michael muttered.
No, I hate her. Fawzan mumble.

I pivot my gaze to the small boy who just said he hate me because I refused to let him go to Mujahid's house.
Fawzan, she is your Mummy. Don't ever say you hate her. Now apologize to her. Michael muttered.
Fawzan pivots his gaze to me.
I'm sorry, Fawzan muttered with pouted mouth.

Bye, Mummy. Fawzan waves at me and I wave back.
Michael follows him to his class.
He returns to the car.
Fatima, why are you acting weird today?
Are you alright? You can share your problem with me. Michael muttered.

Michael, I called with cracked voice.
Yes, I'm listening. Michael muttered.
I will tell you once we reach the company just focus on driving. I muttered with a sniff.
He nod his head.
Silent ensue.
Michael drives to the company.
He reaches the company and drives inside.
He park his car in the parking lot.

We Saunter out of the car and started walking inside.
We reach our office and Michael open the door.
I walk to my chair and sit down.
Michael dropped his briefcase on his table and walked to me.
Are you ready to tell me what happened? Michael asked.

Michael, he is here. I muttered and break down.
Michael gives me a dazed look.
Mujahid is here. I muttered.
He is Kayla's father.
I don't know why he is here.
I'm sure he came for a mission to take his Son back home.
I don't want him to take Fawzan away from me. I cried out.

He will not take my grandson. I heard Abbah's voice.
I and Michael pivot our gaze to the door.
Abbah walks in. He walks to us.
Fatima, why is your ex-husband here? Abbah asked me the same question I'm looking for the answer to it.
Abbah, I don't know. I muttered with a sniff.

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