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Mujahid finished praying, he raised his hand and prayed to the Lord.
His door cracked open ensued with an obscured Salam.
Mujahid, Finishes praying to the Lord and pivots his gaze to the door.
Farida walk in and greet Mujahid.
Can I sit down? Farida ask Mujahid.

You don't need my permission to sit down. You can sit on the bed if you wish. Mujahid muttered.
Farida shook her head and sit on the couch.
Farida, you haven't told me why you go to Yola? Mujahid muttered.
Mr. Mujahid, I forgot to tell you, I'm from Yola. It's been a while since I saw my family and I also visited a friend. Farida muttered.

Farida, if you are from Yola, what brought you here? Why are you here? Mujahid ask her.
It's a long story but I will cut it short.
I'm staying with my Grandma.
She is my Dad's mother.
I lost my parents in a car accident at a tender age.
I was just 10 years old when my parents died.

I was too young and I'm the only female child of my parents.
My brothers always tend to harass me sexually anytime my Mom and Dad weren't at home but I always ran to my Grandma.
My Grandma took me to her house after my parents died because I would not be safe staying at home with my brothers.

My Dad wasn't my Grandma's favourite.
My Grandma pretended to love us but she always insulted my Dad.
I began my New Life in my Grandma's house.
My Uncle enrolled me in school.
I grew up in my Grandma's house.

My Grandma died when I was in my final year in the university.
I come back from school after her death.
My Uncle took me to his house.
I was leaving with them happily.
I graduated and did my NYSC.
I got a job in the hospital as a psychologist.

One faithful night while resting in my bedroom. My Uncle walked in.
He had a mischievous smile on his face but I didn't notice that.
My Uncle was the best uncle to me but he proved me wrong that night.
He raped me despite my pleas he rape me twice but he used protection.

He warned me not to tell his wife.
I was devastated. That Night my virginity was forcefully taken away from me by my uncle.
I cried that night until I lost my strength.
In the morning, he sent me 400 thousand Naira and told me to use it and buy medicine.

Two weeks after the incident, I saunter out of the bathroom after showering and met Uncle Bello's First Son sitting on my bed.
I clutch my towel to my chest with a pondering heart I turn around to run inside the bathroom but he was quick to grab me.

He also rape me without using protection.
He continue doing that with me for two weeks.
I couldn't hold it anymore and I decided to tell Uncle Bello's wife.
I walk to her bedroom.
She asked if I was alright because she noticed the tense expression on my face.

She ask me why I always lock myself up in my bedroom and has stopped going to work.
I breakdown. She allowed me to finish crying.
She ask me what happen. just when I open my mouth to speak up, Uncle Bello and his Son walk in.
I couldn't talk again.

I changed the topic and lied to her that my boyfriend had broken up with me.
I stood up and Saunter out of her bedroom.
I was free from them for three weeks.
The fourth week, I woke up in the morning feeling dizzy, and nauseous.
I managed to do the house chores and prepare breakfast for them.

Uncle Bello's wife insist I dine with them because since his husband and Son become a monster, I stop eating in the dining with them.
I wanted to decline but she insisted so I sat down and started drinking tea.
I couldn't finish my breakfast when I felt the urge to vomit, I abruptly stood up from the seat but I couldn't reach my bedroom because I was feeling dizzy and headache.

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