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Mummy, Aunt Lakshmi has Lock the kitchen. Fawzan cried. He barge inside Muhammad's bedroom.
Fawzan, didn't I warn you to always knock before you enter my room or your mother's bedroom? Get out. Muhammad thundered.
Fawzan shudder and run out of Muhammad's bedroom.

Zawj, You shouldn't yell at him this much. Fawzan isn't that type of child. Maybe he forgot. Fatima muttered.
our Son is intruding into our privacy. He just walked on us in this state. Do you enjoy seeing him see us naked if not the duvet we covered our bodies with? Do you? Muhammad muttered angrily.
It will be good if you stop this. You spoiled Fawzan a lot. I'm his father and you can't stop me from yelling at him when he did something wrong. Muhammad muttered with a hiss.

He grab his towel from the ground drape it over his waist and scramble out of the bed.
Since Lakshmi come to the house, everything has changed. Fatima mumble.
She takes her lingerie and put it on.
Fatima scramble out of bed and storm out of Muhammad's bedroom.

Fawzan run to the garden. He cried out loud.
The gateman heard his voice. He walk to the garden and pick Fawzan up from the ground.
Leave me alone. Fawzan yelled.
Did Daddy or mummy beat you? Ismail ask Fawzan.
Ismail take Fawzan to his room.

Fawzan tell him what happened.
Ismail chuckle.
Let me take you to your Mom. Ismail muttered.
No, I don't want to go. Daddy will yell at me again. Fawzan muttered.
Fawzan, go inside. Muhammad muttered sternly.
Fawzan pivot his gaze to the door.
Muhammad gave Ismail a disappointed look.

Fawzan, Muhammad call impatiently.
Sir, please take it easy on him. Ismail muttered.
Ismail, you are not the one to tell me how to handle my Son. If you ever intrude into my family matters, I will fire you. Muhammad spat and take Fawzan inside.

He takes Fawzan to the living room.
Why did you go to Ismail's room? Didn't I warn you not to be entering his room? You lied against Lakshmi.
You said she locked the kitchen but she didn't.
Where did you learn this attitude from? Who taught you how to lie? Muhammad yelled.

He raised his hand to hit Fawzan but Fatima held his hand.
She take Fawzan away.
Fatima shook her head and give Muhammad a disappointed look.
She let the tears she has been controlling stream down her cheek.
Don't touch my Son. I inculcate good manners into him. If you deny the fact that we inculcate good manners into him, I won't.

Fawzan is my Son. I carried him in my womb for Nine months, undergo pain while giving birth to him. My Son has never lied and will never lie.
If Fawzan said Lakshmi lock the door then she did.
Fawzan doesn't know anything. He might say he hate Lakshmi but he doesn't know what it means.
Do you think Fawzan will lie because he said he hate Lakshmi?

Zawj, Since Lakshmi come here. Our home is not peaceful like it use to be.
You've changed. Do you think I'm spoiling Fawzan? I'm pampering him? Do you want us to always be harsh on him?
If we don't love him who will love him? Do you want us to deprive him of our love, and care?

Lakshmi lock the kitchen up, I find the key in her bedroom and unlock the door.
She might create a story so you will believe her and started hating Your wife and Son.
She succeed. Since Fawzan was born, you have never intended to hit him but you wanted to do that now.

I thought you were different from Mujahid but you are the same. Men are all the same.
Lakshmi is Your cousin, she likes you, and she wants you back. Fine, go and be with her. Marry her and have plenty children with her.
The children I couldn't give you but just one. Fatima muttered bitterly.

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