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Bida, Niger state.

Mujahid has been locking himself up in his room. It's been six months and Mujahid has refused to eat, drink or talk to anyone.
Medical report shows that he is suffering from major depressive disorder.

His grandma isn't getting better, her condition worsen every day.
Her body is beginning to release a gross smell.
Nobody could withstand the smell.
His Son is the only person who goes to the room and gives her food.

Aliyu walked in with a lady.
Abbah, I have gotten the therapist. She will be taking care of Mujahid until he is fully recovered. Aliyu muttered.
Good Day, My Name is Farida. I am a psychologist. I promise to take care of your Son and ensure he is back to his normal self. Farida muttered.

You are welcome, Farida. Alhaji Abdullah welcome Farida.
Aliyu, she should be taken to the room Next to Mujahid's.
In case of an emergency, she will be there on time. Alhaji Abdullah muttered.
Aliyu shook his head and took Farida to the room.

He returns to the living room.
Aliyu, are you sure she can handle Mujahid's condition? His condition is vulnerable even though we can't handle him sometimes.
Farida is a lady. Alhaji Abdullah muttered with concern in his voice as he spoke.

Abbah, Farida has handled cases worse than Mujahid's own and she succeeded.
Farida is a professional psychologist not just an ordinary therapist. Aliyu muttered.
Okay, Aliyu. Alhaji Abdullah muttered with a sigh.
Aliyu stood up from the couch and head towards Farida's room.
He knock on the door.

Farida, walk to the door and open it.
Mr. Aliyu, can I see your brother? Farida asked adjusting her veil.
Sure, I'm here to take you to his bedroom. Aliyu muttered.
Farida trail behind Aliyu to Mujahid's bedroom.
Aliyu hold the handle and twist the doorknob.

They walk in.
Daddy, should I tell you another Story?
Daddy, I will not tell you because you are not happy to hear my story. Kayla pout.
I loved it. Mujahid muttered.
Daddy, if you love my story you would smile.
Daddy, you don't laugh with me anymore.
Daddy, do you miss Mummy?
Daddy, why...

Kayla!!! Mujahid yelled and pushed the little girl.
Aliyu and Farida who have been standing by the door run inside.
Farida picked Kayla up.
Kayla got terrified and started crying.
It's okay, Daddy is not angry with you. Farida shush Kayla.

Kayla, go to Grandma. Aliyu muttered.
Kayla nod her head and run out of Mujahid's room.
Mujahid, how are you? Aliyu muttered sitting beside Mujahid who had a monotonous expression on his face.
Mujahid, Humm.

Who is she? Mujahid speak up after some minute of silence.
He is your therapist. He will be treating you.
Mujahid, please feel free to talk to her about everything bothering you. Aliyu muttered.
Mujahid scowl.

I am not insane. I don't need a therapy.
Do I tell you I am depressed? I might look like I'm depressed but I'm not.
Why is everyone giving me pathetic treatment?
Will your sympathy bring back my wife?
Will it mend my broken heart?
My reputation is ruined.
She and her family perceived me as a bad person.
Will all this change what they think of me?
Will it?

Woman, don't stress yourself on me because I will never get healed.
My life is ruined. I just wish I could die because I don't see a reason to stay alive in this vicious world.
Ya Aliyu, please let her go.
I would rather stay in this room until death took me.
My daughter is the only person I want to see. Mujahid spat.

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