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Thank you very much. Muhammad.
I have gotten the job. I muttered.
The door to my bedroom cracked open.
Abla walked in.
I'm sorry. Abla muttered. She ducks her head fidgeting with her fingers.
I arc a confused brow at her.
Why is she ducking her head?
I'm her husband too even though she is my surrogate wife but she is here to give me a child. I muttered then I realized I was shirtless.

I'm sorry. I muttered and put on my shirt.
What do you want? I ask her.
She hoist her head up and look at me.
She is trying to avoid my gaze.
Sir, your food is ready. She muttered.
Did you prepare it? I ask her.
Yes, I did. She muttered.

I don't want Aliyah to turn her into a Maid in this house.
Okay, I will join you in the dining now. I muttered.
She nod her head and quickly stride out of my bedroom.
She is such a dramatic girl. I muttered and stood up.

I walk to the door and saunter out of my bedroom.
I trail behind her to the dining.
I reach the dining room and grab a chair.
I sat down and she served me.
Where is Aliyah? I ask her.
Sir, she went out.
Abla muttered.

She went out without my permission.
Did she check the time before leaving the house?
This is 8 pm. I muttered.
Maybe it's urgent that is why she couldn't inform you. Abla muttered.
I hissed and started munching on the food.
If she comes back home late I won't spare her.
She will go back to where she comes from. I spat.

Abla got scared.
I glance at her.
I'm sorry for scaring you. I muttered.
Aren't you eating? I ask her.
I will eat in my room. Abla muttered.
Sit down and eat here with me. I muttered.
She nodded her head and did as I commanded.

We finish eating and Abla takes the plates to the kitchen.
I walk to the living room.
Abla stride out of the kitchen and started walking inside.
Abla, come and sit here let's watch a movie together. I muttered.

She nods her head and walks to the couch.
She sits far from me.
We watch a movie together.
We heard a knock on the door.
Abla stood up and walked to the door.
She opens the door and Aliyah walks in.

Welcome. Abla muttered.
Aliyah walks to me.
I glared at her.
Where are you coming back from? I asked her calmly.
It's late already I can't raise my voice it might disturb the neighborhood.

I'm sorry, I didn't tell you before I left the house. Aliyah muttered.
That doesn't answer my question.
Where did you go? I ask her raising my voice.
I went to Asma's house.
She called me. She was very sick and no one was at home with her. Aliyah muttered.

Don't ever leave this house without my permission again. I muttered and stormed out of the living room.
I pace in my room.
Aliyah walks in.
I hissed.
What do you want? I ask her.
I'm sorry. Aliyah pleads again.
It's okay. I muttered.

Oh! That reminds me.
Why did you get me a surrogate wife?
Why did I agree to it when I knew you couldn't get pregnant? I muttered.
We will do IVF. Aliyah muttered.
I scoffed.
I hissed and walked to the bed.
I climb the bed and lie down.

Can I sleep here? Aliyah ask me.
No, please go to your bedroom. I muttered.
Please, sweetheart. Aliyah pleads.
Okay, fine. I muttered.
She takes off her clothes and changes into a nightwear.

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