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Author's POV

Fatima has been locking herself up in her bedroom ever since her father refused Micheal's proposal. Not only her family, but Fawzan haven't gotten the chance to see his mother.
Fatima didn't allow Fawzan to step foot in her bedroom.
Crying has become her routine.

I want to see my Mummy.
Daddy, will you talk to Mummy to open the door? Fawzan muttered with a cracked voice.
Michael exhale a muffled sigh.
I wish I could but, Your Grandpa wouldn't allow me to see your Mum.
I might lose my job if I keep following her. Michael muttered with a sigh.

Fawzan had tears in his eyes.
He ran out of the car and started trotting inside.
Fawzan, welcome back. Alhaji Umar muttered.
Grandpa, I will not talk to you.
You are wicked. Because of you, I haven't seen my Mummy for weeks.
I want my Mum back. Fawzan cried.

His cry filled the living room.
Alhaji Umar blinked back his tears.
Controlling the acidic liquid that was threatening to emerge from his eyes.
Fawzan, run upstairs.
Mummy, please open the door. Fawzan hollered banging on the door.
His knuckles began to ache. Fawzan let out a whimper.

Fatima, abruptly stand up and head to the door.
She twist it and open it.
Fawzan ran inside and embraced her.
I miss you, Mummy. Fawzan cried on her shirt.
Fatima, lock the door back.
She wipe off her tears with her palm.
I'm sorry, Fatima muttered.
That is the only word she could say at the moment.

Fatima didn't only feel let down but her parents also deluded her.
Mummy, Daddy is worried. He always cries anytime he takes me to school. Fawzan muttered bringing Fatima out of her reverie.
Fatima, blinked her eyes at Fawzan giving him a monotonous look.

Mummy, Kayla's Daddy has transferred Kayla to my new school. Fawzan muttered.
Fatima jerk up at the mention of Mujahid changing Kayla's school.
She was flabbergasted beyond shock but she shouldn't.
Mujahid will go to any length to get his Son.

I have two battles to fight.
First is to protect my Son from Mujahid and second is to convince my Parents. Fatima muttered with a sigh.
She puff a sigh.
Mummy, you haven't eaten. Fawzan muttered.
Fatima smiled at him.

I'm okay. Fatima muttered nodding her head intermittently.
Mummy, please. Fawzan muttered with puppy eyes.
He began to cry.
Fatima arc a mystified brow at Fawzan.
I will eat. Fatima muttered.
Fawzan's face broke into a smile.
He jump up excitedly.

Fawzan, don't let anyone follow you to my room. Fatima warned.
Fawzan nod his head and zealously Saunter out of Fatima's bedroom.

Fawzan, this food is too much for you to consume. Khadija muttered with wide-eyed.
Aunt Dije, I will finish it. Fawzan muttered with a pout.
He hurriedly headed to Fatima's bedroom before he could be stop by his Grandparents or uncles.

Fawzan, successfully reach Fatima's bedroom.
He Puff a sigh and open the door with his left hand.
Fawzan walk to Fatima with a tray of food.
Thank you, Fawzan. Fatima muttered with a smile.
Fawzan has saved her from starvation.

He sat beside Fatima on the bed.
He took the spoon and took the plate of rice.
Mummy, open. Fawzan muttered.
Fatima smiled at him.
She open her mouth and Fawzan shove the spoonful of rice into her mouth.
Fatima, closed her eyes enjoying the taste of the food.

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