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Rauda has been crying in her bedroom, she tried all she could do to stop Ahmad from Marrying Afrah.
Ahmad has made arrangements for the wedding.
Rauda talk to Fatima. Fatima tried to talk to Ahmad but he wasn't willing to listen to anyone.

Rauda's father agreed to the Marriage but Her step-mother was against it.
It shock Rauda that her father agree to the Marriage.
Rauda feel betrayed and vow to ruin Afrah's life even if she will kill her.
Afrah has been in dilemma, her mother didn't agree to the marriage but her father agree and give his concert to the marriage.

Afrah is confused as hell. She wish all this didn't happen.
She wish she never crossed paths with Ahmad.
Afrah wish she never feel a thing for Ahmad.
She wish to take things back.
She is emotionally, mentally drained.

Afrah has gone back home for the wedding preparation.
Afrah cried every night because her parents were always fighting every day.
Things seem to get worse each day.
Afrah heave a sigh.
She drop her Quran on the bed and take off her hijab.
She stand up from the prayer mat and walk towards the door.

Afrah stride out of her bedroom with the hope of getting the chance to talk to her mother.
It's been two months since she had a proper conversation with her mother.
Afrah reach Safina's bedroom.
Afrah shook her head hearing her parents voice yelling at each other.

Jafar, You know what you are doing was wrong.
I betray my sister's trust. Rauda's mother has been good to me. She loved me like we were twins. Some people mistake us as twins. Despite that our father loves her more than she loves me, Saliha has never shown differences.

Her last word before she died was, I should take Rauda as my daughter. She trusted her in my hand. The guilt that I wasn't able to fulfil her promise of giving Rauda the best training I gave my daughter.
Her father thinks we are poor and took her away from us.
How do you expect Rauda's mother would feel if she is alive?
I allow my daughter to marry Rauda's husband. Safina cried.

Safina, do you know what Rauda has done to your daughter too? She ruin her relationships. Her father treated my daughter callously.
You see how she was treated like a slave when she was leaving with them.
I allow her to stay there and face humiliation from them because of you and the respect I have for your sister but not anymore.

I cannot keep sacrificing my happiness for those who wouldn't appreciate it.
My daughter needs to be happy. She and Ahmad love each other and she agrees to marry him.
I will not let your tears or the promise you made to your late sister stop my daughter from marrying who she loves.

Afrah was flabbergasted beyond shocked.
How did Abbah find out about what Rauda did to me? I didn't discuss it with them except my friend.
Could Ramlat be the one who told Abbah? Afrah muttered.
She wipe off her tears and twist the doorknob.

Ummi, Afrah called staring into her mother's puffy eyes.
Afrah walked to her and held her leg.
Ummi, please forgive me.
Ummi, I don't want to Marry Ahmad again. Please talk to me. Afrah cried.
Afrah, You will get married to Ahmad because the date has been fixed.
No, Abbah. Afrah Stand up and walk to her father.

Abbah, please. Ummi is upset with me.
You and Ummi always fight since everything started.
I am the reason there's no more peace in the house.
I hate seeing my parents this way.
Abbah please let's cancel the wedding. I don't want to Marry Ahmad again. Afrah cried.

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