40 11 16

Bida, GRA

My One please help me. I think I'm in labour my water just broke. Fatima cried out walking to Mujahid's bedroom.
Fatima opens the door and is not surprised to see Aliyah in Mujahid's room.

Aliyah often comes over to the house to sleep with Mujahid.
Fatima has been worrying about it but has gotten used to it now.
Fatima, why are you always trying to ruin my sweet moment with my babe? Why? Mujahid said with a facepalm.

Mujahid, I know you want to marry Aliyah and I'm not stopping you from doing that but please take me to the hospital I don't want to give birth here. Fatima pleads.
Mujahid was silent for a while then muttered okay.

Aliyah scowl.
Mujahid, are you going to take her to the hospital? You know you promised my parents to visit them. You know it's because of that they come to Nigeria. Aliyah said with a pout mouth.
Mujahid was confused. he doesn't know who to follow. is it his wife or Aliyah?

My One I'm going to lose my baby. Please take me to the hospital. Fatima cried again.
Mujahid, please let's go. Aliyah said.
You two should leave me. Mujahid yell.
he picks up his car key and saunters out of the room ignoring the ladies.

Wow Fatima you think Mujahid will fall for your prank. I'm sorry dear. Muajhid will come back to me. mark my word. Aliyah said with an evil smile on her face.
she picks up her bag on the bed and strides out of Mujahid's room.

Fatima started crying. She called Aisha and she promised to be at her house.
Immediately Fatima called Aisha and she ran to Fatima's house.

Fatima! Fatima! Where are you? Aisha hollered.
she reached Fatima's room and she was not inside.
Aisha got scared.
Fatima crawls out of Mujahid's room.
Ayi I'm here. Fatima said weakly.

Subhanallah! Fatima. Aisha exclaimed. She rushed to Fatima and helped her up.
she helps her to the living room.
Fatima, where is your car key and hospital card? Aisha asks her.
Fatima tells her where it is and she rushes upstairs to get them.

Aisha quickly drives Fatima to the hospital praying she shouldn't give birth in the car.
Ayi I can't hold it to the hospital anymore. Fatima cried.
Fatima we are there already. Aisha said increasing the speed.

Aisha reaches the hospital and drives inside.
She reaches the gynaecology ward and parked her car.
she summoned the nurses and they walked to the car with a wheel chair then they wheeled Fatima to the labour theatre.

Aisha was pacing impatiently in front of the labour theatre.
her phone started ringing and she picked it up.
Aisha, where are you? why did you leave the kids at home? her husband fired.

Zawj I'm at the hospital. Aisha muttered.
Aisha, what happened to you? Ahmad asked worriedly.
Zawj I'm fine. Fatima is the one I take to the hospital. she is in labour and her husband is not at home. Aisha said and Ahmad muttered okay.

A nurse strides out of the labour theatre.
Aisha rushes to her.
Ma how is she? Aisha asks the nurse.
she has given birth to a bouncing baby boy. the nurse announced.

Alhamdullilah. Aisha muttered with a smile.
how is the mother? Aisha asks the nurse.
she is fine. Other nurses are cleaning her up. She will be wheeled out once they are done cleaning her up and the baby. the nurse said to Aisha and she thanked her.

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