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Ahmad stirred in his sleep. He flutter his eyes open. Afrah. Ahmad muttered. He take Afrah's picture. tears stream down his cheek. I will search for you today. I will make sure to take you home. Ahmad muttered.
He wipe off his tears and Scramble out of bed.

Ahmad Saunter out of his bedroom. He take a long stride to the living room.
Ahmad heard an obscured voice coming from the kitchen.
Ahmad's heart skip a beat. Who is in my house? Ahmad muttered.
He tiptoe to the kitchen.
Ahmad was flabbergasted beyond shock.

His face broke into a smile. That's my wife. Ahmad muttered.
He walk to Afrah and hug her petite body rubbing her baby bump.
Afrah, I miss you.
You don't know how devastated I was when you were away from me.
When did you come back home?
I'm sorry, You undergo this. Ahmad cried on her back.

Afrah takes off Ahmad's hand from her bump.
Why are you pretending as if you care? Why?
Ahmad, do you love me? If you did you would have searched for me. You left me alone in the hands of those bad people. I was tortured for two weeks and you didn't show up.
I had to use my experience and little energy in me to escape from those people.

While running for my life, I fall into another trap. The man who take me to the hospital was sent to kill me. I overheard him and ran for my dear life.
I thought running to Yasmin's house would be safe for me but it was the biggest mistake I made. Rauda and Yasmin are working together and they want me dead.
I heard what they planned against me from her phone.

I have no option but to return to your house, the house I was scared to return to because I believe you are in Rauda's house. Afrah cried.
Ahmad, please leave me alone. Stop pretending like you care.
When I came back, you were in your room sleeping. Afrah muttered.

Afrah, I cared for you. Afrah I never had a peaceful night since you went missing.
Afrah, Abbah died the Day you were kidnapped, I called you but you didn't pick up, I sent you a message yet you didn't reply.
After the funeral prayer, I came back home to check why you didn't pick up.
When I reached home, I saw Jamilu lying down lifeless.
I panic and run inside. I searched for you and couldn't find you.

I saw Aneel lying down in Your bedroom bleeding.
I saw a letter in Your bedroom. I read it and find out you were kidnapped.
I take Aneel to the hospital.
He was operated on. The operation was successful.
While watching Aneel, Jamilu's wife walk in with two policemen. She accused me of killing her husband.
I tried all I could do to defend myself but I couldn't because my white shirt was stained with blood. Aneel's blood.

I was arrested. I stayed in prison for two weeks.
Yusuf and Ibrahim were able to get proof and I was released. I was released Yesterday. Afrah I didn't rest because I wanted to find you and save you.
Aneel hate me now because Rauda poisoned his mind. Aneel also has the same thoughts as you. He thinks I don't love him that is why I didn't stay in the hospital with him.
Afrah, do you think I will ever do that to you?

The biggest mistake I made in my life was marrying Rauda. I divorced her once but now that she try to harm you, I will send her the remaining two. I'm done with her. Ahmad muttered.
Afrah hug him. I'm sorry for blaming you.
I didn't know you also undergo....
Afrah shush. Ahmad muttered.
I am the one to apologize to you. Ahmad muttered.

He takes Afrah out of the kitchen.
Afrah, tell me what happen in Yasmin's house. I want to know everything about her. Ahmad muttered.
Afrah heave a sigh and started telling Ahmad everything that happened.

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