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Qalb, I can't. Afrah cried.
Afrah, trust Allah you will do it. You will deliver safely. Just two more pushes. Ahmad muttered with a cracked voice. He had tears in his eyes seeing the one who meant a lot to him in pain.
Ahmad wish he could take away the pain from her.
He wish to be the one undergoing the pain than Afrah.

Afrah keep chanting Dua.
The nurses keep hissing Nonstop.
Mr You filled the theatre with your noise. The Nurses muttered eyeing Ahmad.
Ya, Rabb! Afrah groan. The baby takes her head out. Afrah you are doing it. Baby, you will soon be free. Ahmad muttered wiping off his tears.

She is giving birth to three children, if you can't withstand this please leave. The Nurses muttered with a hiss.
Ahmad shook his head.
The Doctor take out the first baby.
Qalb, I still have two souls to bring to the world. Afrah cried.
You will make it Inn Sha Allah. Ahmad muttered.

Afrah shook her head.
Ummi, is this how you go through while giving birth to me? Ya Allah make it easy for me and all the Muslim sisters. Afrah pray silently.
Afrah felt a pang on her lower abdomen. She Yelp and the second baby was brought to the world.
Afrah groaned and the third baby was taken out of her body.

Afrah fall to the bed weakly. Her eyes closed on their accord.
Ahmad panic. What is wrong with her? Ahmad ask.
Mr. You have done your job staying by her side, now you can leave. The Nurses muttered.
Juliet, Hafsah. Please take it easy on him. He is worried for his wife. The Doctor muttered.

Mr. Your wife is fine, she is tired. She and the babies will be wheeled out immediately after they are cleaned. The Doctor muttered politely.
Ahmad thank her.
He walk to the door and saunter out of the labour theatre.

Ahmad called home. He inform his family about Afrah's birth.
Ahmad wait impatiently in front of the theater.
The door cracked open. Ahmad rushed to the Nurse and take two babies from her.
He trail behind them to the ward.

The Doctor lay the baby inside the crib.
Your wife is a strong woman. Not all women can give birth to three children naturally without undergoing C/section. The Doctor muttered.
Ahmad thank her.

Afrah flicked her eyes open.
She blink at Ahmad.
Qalb, Afrah called weakly. Tears stream down her cheek.
Afrah, why are you crying? You should be happy. You give birth to triplet. Ahmad muttered with a smile.

I can't believe I carry three children in my womb but the scanner reveal two children for us. Afrah muttered.
There is nothing Allah can't do. Allah is great. We should always be grateful. Alhamdullilah. Ahmad muttered.

Afrah nod her head in agreement.
The door crack open. Hajiya Mairo, Yusuf, his wife. Ibrahim and his wife, Fatima and her husband walk in.
They walk to the crib. To say they were surprised will be an understatement but that was the expression on their faces when they saw three children.

They take each of them and pray for them.
Congratulations, Afrah. I knew it. I know you won't give birth to one child but I never expected the baby would be three. Hajiya Mairo teased.
Afrah smiled weakly.
My Younger brother is now a father of four children and I'm about to become a father of just two children. Yusuf teased.

You are left behind. I will also become a father of three. Ibrahim add-in.
Everyone burst into a fit of laughter except Fatima who just chuckled.
Muhammad noticed the expression on Fatima's face.
Noor, can we talk outside? Muhammad whispered.
Fatima nod her head and follow Muhammad out.

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