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Ya Fatima this boy won't allow me to watch my movie peacefully. Khadija grumbled.
She drops her laptop on the couch and walks to Fawzan who has been scattering everything in the living room.

Khadija swooped Fawzan up and he started whining.
She walked to the kitchen and searched for a rope. With a smirk, Khadija takes the rope and struts out of the kitchen.
Khadija reached the living room and dropped Fawzan on the floor. She tied the little boy on the couch with the rope.

Let me see how you will crawl there. Khadija muttered and concentrated on her movie ignoring Fawzan's whine.


Fawzan is already crawling how time flies so fast.
Abbah has been tenacious that I refuse to step my foot out of the house since I come back.
I can't face the society and what they will say about me.
I know what happened to me is qadr and nobody is above it.

I'm glad Khadija and Mama are helping me take care of Fawzan.
Baddiyah, Atika, and Mairo promise to visit me today.
I'm glad to have them as friends in my life.
Aunt Sofiya. Ummi's sister wants me to marry her nephew but I turn her down.

I feel insulted. How can she think of introducing her nephew to me when I haven't reached one year since I left my husband's house?
I don't want to ever trust men again.
I promise myself to remain single if that will make me happy.
I have my Son and that is what matters.

Someone sent me a message yesterday on WhatsApp and I don't know him.
He is very stupid to propose to me. Who the hell does he think he is? The fact that he knows I'm a divorcee which nobody knows except my family, friends and Mujahid's family.
I don't know who that person is and I don't want to know. I blocked him so that he wouldn't disturb me again.

Author pov.

Why is Fawzan crying? Could it be that Khadija left him alone in the living room? Fatima muttered and she briskly stride out of her bedroom.
She started trotting to the living room.
Fatima reached the living room and was shocked to see Fawzan tied up on the couch.

The little boy sees Fatima and he stretches his hand forward to her while crying.
Dije! Dije! Fatima yelled. She removes the Airpod from Khadija's ear.
Dije are you mad? Why will you tie him up? Fatima muttered angrily.
She unties Fawzan and swoops him in her hand.

Khadija if he is disturbing you why didn't you bring him to me? This should be the last time you will do such a thing to my child. Fatima warned.
Ya Fatima you are raising your voice at me because I tied Fawzan up on the couch.
I didn't tie him on his neck but his leg. Not that the rope is tight. Khadija mumbled.

You are right! He is your child and I will never touch him again. Khadija mumbled.
Khadija! Fatima is not your mate. Apologies to her now. Ahmad thundered.
Fatima and Khadija pivot their gaze to the door.

Khadija if not that you are stupid. How can you tie this little boy up because he is crawling and scattering things in the living room?
Some people's children have reached the stage to crawl but they can't. Ahmad muttered.
I'm sorry. Ya, Fatima. Khadija apologized.

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