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Afrah has been discharged from the hospital. Ahmad arranges her clothes and the baby's clothes. He help her with two kids and Afrah hold the other baby and belongings in her hand. They walk to the car.
Afrah opened the back door and dropped baby Ikram, she collected baby Akram and Aslam from Ahmad. She drop them on the seat and blow Dua on them then close the door.

Afrah walked to the front door open it and hop inside.
Ahmad did the same. He ignite the car engine and zoom out of the hospital.
Afrah have two boys and one girl. The girl was named after Ahmad's mother. The boys one was named after Alhaji Umar and the other one was named after Afrah's father.
Ahmad promise to name their next baby after Afrah's mother if the baby is a girl even though Afrah want him to name the baby after his Grandma but Ahmad want to be just with Afrah.

Habibi, will you allow me to hire a maid? You know I can't take care of three children and Aneel too. I will also take care of you. I don't want to allow Ummi to do that for me. She is aged. She needs our care not her taking care of us. Afrah muttered.
You are right but will Ummi agree to it? Since she wanted to stay with us to take care of you and the children. Ahmad muttered.

You are her Son. Please try to convince her in a way she won't be upset with us. Afrah muttered.
Okay, I'll try my luck. Ahmad muttered and drove inside the house immediately the gateman opened the gate for him.
He park his car in the parking lot.

Hajiya Mairo, Khadijah, Fatima and Sofiya walk to them.
They welcome Afrah home.
Aneel walk to Afrah with a card.
Welcome home Mummy was boldly written on the card.
Afrah bent down to his level and hugged him.
I miss you, sweetheart. Afrah muttered.
I miss you more. Aneel muttered with a smile.

Aneel it's okay. Let my wife be. Ahmad muttered.
He held Afrah and Aneel's hand and they march inside.
Afrah thank everyone for the love.
Afrah I have prepare hot water for you. Please take your bath eat and rest. Hajiya Mairo muttered happily.
Afrah thanked her and walked to her bedroom.

Ahmad walk to his bedroom leaving the ladies in the living room.
Hajiya Mairo trail behind him.
Ahmad, Hajiya Mairo called.
She sit on the bed.
Yes, Ummi. Ahmad muttered.
Ahmad, Aneel will be on his first time break from school soon. I wouldn't want him to go to his mother and spend his holiday with her but we can't stop him from seeing his mother. Hajiya Mairo muttered.

Ummi, I don't want my Son to go near those people. Rauda is Aneel's mother, she give birth to him but Rauda is a bad influence on Aneel.
If I should allow Aneel to go there, they will transform my Son into another human. Aneel is a child who doesn't know anything, he does what he is asked to.
If I told him you are a bad person, he will believe me. If I told him Rauda would kill him he will believe despite knowing she is his mother. Ahmad muttered.

Ahmad, won't they think we are selfish? Hajiya Mairo muttered.
Ummi, I don't care what they call me. There's no name Rauda's father didn't call me when I divorced his daughter. Ummi he insulted you and Abbah. Salim was there. He was the one who begged me not to retort. I let it slide not because I'm afraid of Rauda's father but because I'm now a change person. Ahmad muttered.

Hajiya Mairo Humm.
Ummi, I want to hire a maid for Afrah. She needs someone to take care of the baby. Afrah can't handle three children alone and she doesn't want to stress you. It's not like she doesn't want you to stay with us. Afrah is happy to have you around but worried about your age.
If she won't allow her mother to undergo stress then she wouldn't wish to see you go through that because of her and her children. Ahmad muttered.

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