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Happy One Year Anniversary to us. Muhammad enter Fatima's bedroom.
Fatima, hoist her head and give Muhammad a monotonous look.
Muhammad sat beside her on the bed.
Are you alright? Muhammad ask Fatima.

Zawj, I had a bad dream last night.
Zawj, I have a strange feeling about Mujahid.
I saw Mujahid suffering and I heard Fawzan's cry.
Zawj, I'm confused why I'm I feeling this way towards Mujahid now.
I have feelings everything isn't going well. Fatima muttered with a sigh.

Muhammad Humm.
Noor, it's just a dream.
Fatima nods her head.
Zawj, where is Fawzan? Fatima ask Muhammad.
He is in his room. Muhammad muttered.
No, Zawj. I will go get him. Fatima jerked up and walk towards the door.

Fatima rush to Fawzan's bedroom.
She opened the door and saw the little boy sleeping on the bed.
Fatima climb the bed and pick baby Fawzan up.
Muhammad walk in.
Zawj, I don't want to leave him alone. I won't let any harm befall him like his brother. Fatima muttered.


Khair, Nimrah is crying. Ibrahim enter Khadija's bedroom with the crying baby.
Khadijah facepalm frustratedly.
She drop baby Namir on the bed.
Ibrahim walked to Khadijah and gave her the baby.
Habibi, Nimrah cry a lot. Khadijah pout.

Ibrahim shook his head.
Khair, Ibrahim called.
Khadija glance at Ibrahim.
Who is Ammar? Ibrahim ask Khadijah.
Khadijah puff a sigh.
Habibi, you've asked me this before. Khadijah muttered exasperatedly.

Yes, I did but you haven't given me an answer.
Khadijah, please don't make me doubt you.
I've been trying to be calm since we got married and that person keep sending you messages and flowers and you didn't bother about that.
You will tell me who Ammar is to you today. Ibrahim spat.

Ammar is my friend. Khadijah mumble.
Ibrahim let out a sad smile.
Khadijah, I'm not a child. I'm six years older than you.
You can't lie to me and think I will believe you.

I don't have problem if you have a male friend but what sort of friend will be calling you at night and always sending you messages?
He also sent you flowers. Is that how friends should be? Khadijah you are married and now a mother.
Why do you keep acting like a child? You are 22 Year old but I have to keep reminding you that you are grown up. Ibrahim yelled.

Khadijah, if you don't tell me what transpires between you and Ammar I'm going to tell Abbah about it before I take actions that I will regret later. Ibrahim muttered.
He pick up his phone from the bed.
Ibrahim hissed and stormed out of Khadija's bedroom.


Raudah, You haven't bathe Aneel since morning. What is wrong with you? Ahmad muttered with a tiring sigh.
Hubby, I'm tired please help me out. Rauda muttered adjusting the pillow to her head.
Ahmad shook his head and Saunter out Rauda's bedroom.

He walk to the living room.
Afrah, Ahmad called.
Afrah pivot her gaze to Ahmad.
Please, I want you to bathe the baby. Ahmad muttered.
Afrah muttered okay and dropped the remote control on the couch.
Afrah shook her head at how lazy her cousin sister was.

Afrah walks to Rauda's bedroom.
She walk in.
Afrah shook her head.
Ya, Rauda you are perfectly okay. Why didn't you bathe the baby? Afrah ask Rauda.
Afrah, you are here to take care of my baby and my house. If you are tired you can leave. Rauda hissed.

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