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The Umar Family kept pacing in front of the ICU.
Hajiya Mairo, cried as she watched her husband lying lifeless in the ICU.
Ummi, You shouldn't cry. Abbah needs our prayer.
Ya Ahmad and Ya Yusuf are going to find who stabbed Abbah. Fatima and Khadijah muttered.


Mairo, Since my Sons leave the house, the animals ain't getting proper care.
I will check on them. Alhaji Umar muttered.
Alhaji, that's why I suggested you hire someone to take care of them. Hajiya Mairo muttered.

Mairo, I will handle it.
I will give each horse to my grandsons.
One for Fawzan, Namir, Aneel, if Yusuf's wife give birth to a baby boy then I will give the child one too. I can't give Hidaya horse but the cat she can have it since she loves cats. Alhaji Umar muttered.

He stand up from the couch and head towards the exit.
Alhaji Umar walk to the Garden.
He check all the Animals and change their foods.
Alhaji Umar saw an obscured image of someone.
He abruptly turn around.
Mairo, You are not a child. Stop hiding.

He started hearing footsteps approaching him.
Mairo, this horse is sick. I think I should call the veterinary doctor. Alhaji Umar muttered touching the black horse lying on the ground.
Mairo, why ain't you saying anything? Alhaji Umar muttered.
He turned around and saw someone with a black long Hijab covering her face with a black veil.

Who are you? Alhaji Umar muttered.
The person take out a knife and approach Alhaji Umar.
Alhaji Umar had a wide-eyed with mouth agape.
Who sent you? What did I do to you that you want to separate me from my family? Alhaji Umar muttered.

Alhaji Umar turned around to run for his life but the person grabbed his hand and stabbed him on his stomach.

Ahmad, how are you coping with your wives?
Are they still fighting? Hajiya Mairo asked.
Ahmad heaved a sigh.
Ummi, Rauda is the one who always create issues.
Afrah doesn't have a problem but Rauda is the one who is frustrating me. Ahmad muttered.

Ummi, Rauda told me she is pregnant after hearing about Afrah's pregnancy.
I Haven't touched her Since we had Aneel because she always pushed me away anytime I wanted to quench my desire as her husband.
Ummi, we are still on it, I'm fed up with the drama that's why I leave the house.
If it's true that Rauda is pregnant then I will divorce her.
She should go and stay with the man who is responsible for her pregnancy. Ahmad muttered.

Ummi, where is Abbah? Ahmad ask.
He is in the Garden.
Ahmad I told you and your brother to always come to the house on weekends to check the Animals.
Your father shouldn't be doing this for you. Hajiya Mairo muttered.
Ummi, I will discuss it with Yusuf and Ibrahim. Ahmad muttered.

You should check on him and assist him. Hajiya Mairo muttered.
Ahmad nod his head and stand up.
He head towards the exit and Saunter out of the living room.
Ahmad's heart began to beat rapidly with each step he took to the garden.
Why am I feeling such a strange heartbeat? Ahmad muttered inwardly.

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