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I flicked my eyes open. I pivot my gaze to Fawzan who is reciting the Quran while painting in his drawing book.
I smiled.
I scrambled out of bed and slipped my leg into the flip-flop on the soft rug beside the bed.

I stretch my body and walk to him.
Mummy, I'm sorry I woke you up. Fawzan pout.
I glance at the four-year-old boy with a smile.
I sat beside him.
It's okay, Son. You didn't wake me up. Your mellifluous voice woke me up.

Your teacher is great. My baby boy can recite Quran fluently.
I love you. I muttered and pecked him on his cheek which elite giggle from him.
I love you too, Mummy.
Mummy, Aunt Khadija said Uncle Sudaiz is not my Daddy.
He will only be your husband soon.
Mummy, is it true?
If he is not my Daddy then who is my Daddy?

Mummy, my friends laugh at me because My Daddy has never come to pick me up but you.
Especially, Ashley. I don't like her. Fawzan cried.
Mummy, I don't want to go to school again until I see My Daddy.
I want Daddy to be taking me to school and pick me up. Fawzan muttered.

I was stunned by Fawzan's outburst.
I wasn't expecting this to come so soon.
I caused it. I shouldn't have pushed Sudaiz away when he wanted to marry me two years back.
If I had agreed to it, maybe all this wouldn't have happened.

I wipe off my tears and glance at the little boy crying.
Fawzan, Aunt Khadija is lying to you.
She only says that to get revenge because you ruined her dress.
Uncle Sudaiz is your Daddy.
I will marry him soon and we will leave Grandpa's house and go to your Daddy's house. I muttered.

Mummy, if he is my Daddy why isn't he picking me up from school?
Is it that he doesn't love me? Fawzan asked me.
This boy is so smart. Not all four-year-old children will act so smart like this. I muttered inwardly.

No, Daddy didn't hate you. He loves you. Don't ever say that again.
Your Daddy travel that is why he isn't picking you up.
I muttered and Fawzan nodded his.
I wipe off his tears.

Stop crying, Baby. Smile for me. I muttered touching his chubby cheeks.
Fawzan smiled at me.
Mummy, I'm hungry. Fawzan muttered rubbing his tummy.
What do you want to eat? I ask him.
Mummy, I want to eat rolled omelette and chips. Fawzan muttered with a grin.

Mummy, will you give me chocolaty after I have breakfast? Fawzan asked me.
Yes, I will give you everything you need. I muttered.
Yes, I love you Mummy. Fawzan muttered and hugged me.

I pick him up and walk to the door.
Mummy, drop me down I'm a big boy. I can walk downstairs. Fawzan muttered.
No, you are still a child.
You will start climbing upstairs when you are 6 years old. I muttered.

Fawzan frown.
I walk downstairs with him and drop him down.
Grandpa! Fawzan muttered and ran to Abbah.
Good morning, Grandpa. Fawzan muttered.
Morning, dear.
Fatima, My Grandson is now a big boy. He doesn't call me Apa anymore. Abbah muttered.

Grandpa, can I go to the company with you? Fauzan asks Abbah.
Why did you want to go?
You have your bicycle and toy to play with.
I also bought you a football. You can play with it at home. Abbah muttered.

Grandpa, I want to see my friend. Fawzan muttered dangling his legs.
Who is your friend? Abbah asks him.
He is...
Mummy, what is his name? Fawzan asked me.
I smiled at him.
Uncle Michael. I muttered.
Yes, Abbah. Uncle Mic. Is my friend. Fawzan muttered nibbling on his finger.

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