The Rebellion pt4

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A/N: Not my story! Original available on ao3


With a sigh Harry broke eye contact and turned to pick up the potion. "Percy...I will be becoming the next Dark Lord."


Percy was positive he'd heard that that's what Harry had said... "Excuse me...isn't there another one of those gallivanting around about then?" Percy coughed out. "He might take a bit of offense to being dethroned."

Harry shrugged and gave him a wicked smile. "Oh, you really imagine I give a gnat's arse about what offends dear old Voldy? It's frankly Dumbledore we should be more worried about."

", we're planning to wreak was much havoc as possible until we're taken out by Dumbledore, Voldemort, the Ministry, or the Order...that sounds like a Harry Potter plan," Percy nodded and sat back down on his stool to watch the preparations happening around him. It was insane, and they probably wouldn't live through it, but he decided it was better than the doing nothing they were currently stuck in.

"Ideally, we wouldn't be taken least not until we actually change things," Harry rolled his eyes and rummaged around in a box for the unicorn hair.

"Do you actually have a plan for how to do that?" He sighed, not being very optimistic that a plan existed.

"Er...sort-of..." Harry grimaced some. "I'm not sure when exactly we'll actually end up, and that changes things a bit. Plus, now that I'm going back six more years than the original plan, that puts most of my initial plans in disarray...especially since Voldy and Dumbles are still alive."

"Is there any reason why we need to do this right now?" Percy asked next when he'd deduced that Harry was in-fact planning on them traveling back in time that very evening from the activities going on around him. Suddenly, he had the passing thought that he should possibly shower and put on clean pants if they were going on a trip, especially if he were about to see his mum again.

"I'm sure the time-dust will be, Neville's part will also not go unnoticed," Harry looked up at him and gave a grin that Percy had come to be a bit afraid of. "The runes aren't drawn in charcoal...they're drawn in the ashes of a dementor...Nev is super hardcore, and I wish I'd known to tell him that when he was eleven and doubting himself," Harry chuckled. "Remind me to tell him when we see him in the past."

Percy's eyes widened at the dark drawings on the floor that he'd felt dark magic bleeding from but which he'd assumed was from the runes themselves. He'd taken Ancient Runes in school, but their usage in dark magic was not in the scope of his studies, that was all Harry. "Bloody hell...yeah, I think Azkaban will be missing one of its guards eventually..."

"Yep, and any legilimens worth the title will tie it all back to me once they interrogate Nev...he knows that and is prepared. Hopefully we live through the spell and can make sure he'll never have to go through that, but well...his days are numbered and mine are too before I'm Undesirable Number One again," Harry explained, a hard, blank look in his eyes. "Personally, I'd like to leave this time before I have aurors trying to break through my wards or a friend is tortured."

"Right, so we go back in time and plan when we get there," Percy agreed and stood to take off his work robes to leave just his slacks and a t-shirt, showing off his Unspeakable mark on his wrist. "What can I do? Do you know if we'll be able to take anything with us? I can pack us some bags."

"Nope, we'll probably end up starkers when we arrive if we don't just meld with our younger bodies," the man was now dripping some of the purple potion between the runes on the floor, causing them to glow an eerie dark glow.

"So, no taking funds with us...or wands...or books," Percy was deeply frowning, not liking that one bit.

"We'll have the library still when we go back, we might just have to sneak around Sirius to get into it..." Harry's eyes slightly dazed, but he shook his head and kept going instead of sinking into his mind. "There is a crystal in the box over there that had the unicorn hair in it, would you find it for me? It's the light match to the resurrection stone. I paid almost half my vault for that in Knockturn Alley. Bloody black market prices! I know, hypocritical, since I'm a dealer myself, but still..."

Percy pulled a clear crystal out of the box and frowned deeply at it. It was radiating magic, but it was a light grey was definitely not pure light magic. He knew Harry could sense magic, but light magic was absolutely not his specialty at all, and he hadn't been trained like Percy had with the Unspeakables. "What's this supposed to be, Harry?"

"It's a seer crystal, said to be given by Mother Magic herself to the world. Those with the Sight can connect as one to the magic of the world," Harry stood up and stretched his back. "I most assuredly do NOT have the Sight, but it is an object of pure light to balance the dark of the other stone."

" got scammed love," Percy grimaced, feeling terrible as Harry's face fell dramatically.

"No...we can't do the spell without a match to the resurrection stone..." the man sank down dejectedly, clutching his chest, breaths coming short. "I'll kill Aiken! He knows not to scam me!"

"Wait..." Percy frowned and walked over to his robes, feeling his pockets until he pulled out the clear crystal his supervisor had given him not hours ago. "Is this what you need?"

"Why in Merlin's name did you just happen to have a seer crystal on you?" Harry jumped up and rushed over to take the stone. "This does feel a little different than the other. Merlin, you're amazing!"

"You haven't been trained to feel magic like I have, and if you don't have the Sight...well, it's an easy scam," he squeezed Harry's arm to show him that it wasn't his fault. "Honestly, your friend Aiken might not have known himself. As for why I have it...I really don't know. Supervisor Davids handed it to me on my way out of the ministry earlier. He said I'd need think he might be a seer?"

"That would mean he would know what we're doing," Harry stopped mid-turn from where he'd been heading back to the runes. "What did he say to you besides that you'd need it?"

"He just said something about my work for the department being good and wished me luck..." his eyes narrowed as that flippant sentence seemed much more laden now. "Bloody hell..."

"You always said your supervisor seemed to already know what was going on before you told him," Harry shook his head and continued setting up. It wasn't like there was anything they could do about it at the moment anyway.

Percy saw the ritual start to take shape as the invisibility cloak was laid on a rune with the unicorn hair, the resurrection stone was laid with the seer crystal, then Harry put down the wand. "What matches the elder wand?" Percy asked, not surprised at all that Harry had thought to track down the Deathly Hallows when he read that they would need dark objects. Personally, he had a sneaky suspicion that Harry might actually be classified as the Master of Death, whatever that meant.

With a deep sigh, Harry pulled his own wand out of his pocket before Percy cried out at the sharp snap when he broke it. "Why did you do that?" He gasped, only catching on when Harry gave a tired sigh and pulled a long phoenix tail feather from the core of the wand.

"A phoenix tail-feather from a wand that was mended by the elder wand," Harry sadly placed the feather across the death wand. "You said we couldn't take our wands back...I'm really hoping I'll be young Harry when we get back and will already have it on me, if not, we'll have to get new wands anyway."

"We'll need to get new wands regardless," Percy put his wand on the workbench with a sad, parting look at it. "Wands grow with you over time, and we've progressed past our old wands at this point. If we end up in our younger bodies, we'll probably still need to get a new wand and use our old ones as back-ups maybe. Mine would probably completely revolt the first time I cast anything dark. Yours had a light telling what it would do if you tried to cast with it back years ago with your core the way it is now."

Harry grimaced. " more thing on the to-do list."

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