Adding to the Inner Circle pt5

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A/N: Not my story! Original available on ao3


Harry now picked up the little wrinkled thing that was starting to worm its way into his heart. Honestly, it was just so ugly it was cute!


Percy huffed and crashed down onto the couch where Harry joined him again with the cat. "Well...I was working on my research, and I had the thought that having a familiar around might help keep you out of your head while at school. Hedwig is wonderful, and I've loved having her around here, but she lives in the owlery when you're at Hogwarts. The professors tend to be more lenient with familiars like cats following you to class. And, well, this one will definitely need you. It wasn't intentional, but you know, it'll need regular baths since it doesn't have hair, and sunscreen for when it goes outside, and little jumpers for when it's hate it don't you?" Percy stopped his ramblings with a deep frown. "This was a terrible idea, wasn't it? If you don't like it, then I'll just keep it myself or undo the magic..."

"Don't you dare, Percy Weasley!" Harry held the cuddly ball of wrinkled skin closer to his chest. There was a little mistiness in the back of his eyes that Harry had to blink away at the thoughtfulness of what his partner had done for him. He'd been thinking of him and made something with his own magic to make Harry's life better. It really was the best gift he'd ever been given.

"You got me an emotional support inferius! It's by far the absolute nicest thing anyone has ever done for me, and I love her already!!"

Percy's face broke into a huge smile. "Really? Even if it's a bit high maintenance?"

Harry just chuckled and patted the little kitten on the butt, which seemed to make it extremely happy. "Of course! I'll have Hermione teach me how to knit it little hats and jumpers. She'll be the best emotional support inferius ever!"

"Wait," Harry lifted the cat to look under it excitedly. "Yep, she, definitely a girl. I'll need to get her a name...Er...what does she eat by the way? Cat food, or does she have more of an inferius taste for raw meat?"

"Cats will eat raw meat too," Percy chuckled. "She's been eating cat food just fine for me though. I'd maybe give her some raw meat occasionally to balance out her diet some."

"Anything else odd about her since she's an inferi? Any side effects besides the hair?" Harry was running through good names that might fit his new friend.

"Well...I haven't been finished with her long, so there might be some things that show up later," Percy winced some at the unknown, he didn't like the unknown. "There is one though," he waved his wand and room went completely dark.

Harry looked down at the two glowing red orbs of light in his lap. "I'm not sure why her eyes glow red in the dark," Percy tensely remarked. "I'll definitely need to fix that for future human subjects if I ever get that far."

"Aren't you just the creepiest cutie ever!" Harry cooed over the cat, causing Percy to laugh as the spelled the lights on again.

"I don't know why I was even concerned you might not like it," he chuckled.

"Her, not it," Harry corrected firmly. "I think I'll call her Persephone like the queen of the underworld since she's an inferius."

"You're not allowed to call your cat Percy," Percy told Harry with a glare, knowing just how his partner was going to shorten that name.

Harry pouted but didn't seem put out. "I'll call her Sephie then. Spoil sport."

"The basket has all her toys and treats and things in it," Percy pushed it over to him. "Can you stay for tea or a drink?"

Harry looked at his watch and sighed. "No, I really should be getting back. They're going to wonder if I got lost or kidnapped in the bookstore very soon. By the is Umbridge feeling? Still under the weather?" He asked with a smirk while he coaxed Sephie back into her carrier.

Percy rolled his eyes in exasperation at that woman and all she'd done. "I don't think you'll have to worry about that monster this year," he remarked off-handedly. "The ministry is scrambling to figure out what happened to her as well as fill the vacancy at Hogwarts."

"They aren't going to trace anything back to you, right?" Harry asked him intensely. "I can go cover it if you aren't 100% sure. You know I have your back."

"I'm sure," Percy stood and kissed him firmly in thanks for his support. "I spent quite a lot of time at the lake where Voldemort left all the inferi for my research, so I have it on very good authority that twelve years from now, it still hasn't been touched by anyone. No one is going to notice one more inferi in the lake with the dozens that are already there."

"You really are brilliant and quite scary," Harry told him with a wide grin and a kiss of thanks. "I really don't think my hand or my sanity could take another round of Umbridge anyway," he waved his still very scarred hand that clearly read 'I must not tell lies.'

"I'll try to make sure you get someone competent this year," Percy promised him as he opened the door and shrunk down the basket to put in Harry's pocket.

"Need to arm the students against those Dark Lords, you know," Harry winked at him teasingly. "I'll sneak out just as soon as we get back to Hogwarts, and we'll really start in on our plans. I got the ingredients to brew the magical signature blocker, so we'll have that for the cup in the bank, but I want to grab the ring and diadem first. I have the locket in my trunk."

"I know you know to avoid touching it," Percy kissed him once more for good measure. "I'll wait on you for the ring. I know it's a bit tricky."

"Good, yeah...please," he gave a significant look at that. They both knew it was what really killed Dumbledore.

"I'll try to see you before then...I still have some plans to keep close to you," Percy gave him insinuating look before giving him a little shove out the door.

"Keep your secrets then," Harry huffed but smiled all the way back to where he had to replace his glamour to re-enter Diagon Alley and find his keepers.

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