Tea with a Professor pt8

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A/N: Not my story! Original available on ao3


Harry, Ron, and Hermione were just about to walk into the Great Hall when a flash of gold caught Harry's eye and the world stopped.


"Harry!" Ron pinched his friend's side multiple times but got absolutely no response.

"Nothing's wrong, don't worry," Hermione motioned Neville on with a fake smile. "Harry's just messing with Ron."

Ron cast a stinging hex at Harry next but still didn't get a response. "Funny, mate, you really make a terrible statue though," he fake laughed as the rest of the people around them made their way into the hall, shooting the strange trio looks.

"What happened? What did he see?" Hermione hissed at Ron who had just slapped Harry across the face. She winced in sympathetic pain at that.

"I don't know...what did he say his boyfriend did? Rubbed his back?" Ron asked her in concern before he started to try to rub his friend's back to get him to come around. "I don't see how this will help over a stinging hex!"

"Maybe we should call Dobby or something?" Hermione suggested next while wringing her hands, knowing that Harry had talked with the elf over the summer.

"Merlin, shit!" Percy swore as he rushed over from where he'd just stepped out of the Great Hall when he'd heard whispers that the Golden Trio were being strange again in the entrance hall.

"Leave it Percy, we're fine," Ron growled at his brother, stepping in front of Harry to hopefully hide him a bit.

"Yeah...erm, Harry's just messing with Ron," Hermione jumped in with the excuse again.

Percy sighed and looked at them tiredly. "What did he see?" He asked before stepping around Ron and throwing up an unspeakable-level notice-me-not charm around their entire group.

Hermione's eyes widened as she met Ron's surprised gaze as well. "Erm...we don't know. We were just walking towards the Great Hall and he stopped right in the middle of a sentence...er...Percy?..."

"Who was also walking into the hall? Like what other houses?" Percy ignored their questioning looks as he put his arms around Harry, cupping the back of his neck with one hand and tracing circles on his back with the other. "Hey, love...it's ok...you're fine..."

Ron seemed to have lost all ability to speak as he turned white as a sheet. Hermione gasped but slowly nodded her head. "I don't know...We were with a group of Gryffindors, but I think there were some Ravenclaws that were entering in front of us. He hasn't mentioned anything about a Ravenclaw..."

"Merlin," Percy breathed out and pressed his forehead to Harry's unseeing one. "Was Luna Lovegood in the group of Ravenclaws?"

"Loony?" Ron found air enough to ask before Hermione elbowed him in the ribs. "Ow, yeah...I think Luna was there...what's wrong with Luna? I don't think she and Harry have ever even talked. What are you...?"

"I knew I shouldn't believe him when he said he'd gotten past it," Percy sighed and kissed Harry's neck. "Hey, love, you gotta stop repressing things and telling me everything is ok. I can't help you when you lie to yourself."

"You're the boyfriend..." Ron finally breathed out in disbelief even with the evidence in front of him.

"Did Luna do something to him?" Hermione asked with a frown. She'd always thought the Ravenclaw was a bit odd, but harmless overall.

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