A Portrait's Blood Oath pt3

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A/N: Not my story! Original available on ao3


"Bloody hell," Ron leaned back again with a groan. "Let's just hope he's dating Neville or someone like that."


Harry was much more comfortable, clean, and still had wet hair when he followed the smell of cottage pie to the kitchen where everyone was beginning to gather for dinner and after the Order meeting seemed to have just wrapped up. Right...he wasn't supposed to know about the Order yet he had to remind himself firmly. "Harry, I see you found the shower," Sirius gave him a smile and a wink when he entered the room.

Harry ran his finger across the invisible line of scars vampire Ron had left on his neck to keep himself grounded in who he was. "Hey, Siri, yeah, I'm all settled in and got filled in on this whole Order-thing by Ron and Hermione," he said, congratulating himself on staying in the moment and coming up a reason to know what was going on.

"Great, well, sit down by me and tell me all about this new boyfriend, or is he new? How long have you been together? Do I know him?" Sirius peppered him with questions while pulling Harry over to the bench and plopping him down beside where Remus was sitting by Tonks.

Harry grinned, hoping the goal of setting those two up might not be as difficult as he thought it would be. "Well..." Harry opened his mouth and then closed it with a click. He had been about to say that his boyfriend was a bit older before it dawned on him that the age gap between 15 and 19 was more remarkable and shocking than the actual age gap he had with Percy of 27 and 31. Suddenly, he realized that he might have to fudge a bit more about his relationship than he'd originally thought until more people knew his actual age.

"We met at Hogwarts, of course," he began, mind spinning as he came up with what to say. "He's actually quite the nerd and loves studying and research."

"A lot like our Moony then!" Sirius laughed and reached around Harry to punch the werewolf's shoulder playfully.

Ron and Hermione wandered into the room about that time and thankfully didn't seem like they'd been arguing or anything. Harry smiled at them broadly, hoping they would work out their relationship much faster and with less angst this time around. "Maybe this person will help Ms. Granger in getting you to do your homework then," Remus rolled his eyes at his friend.

"Hey, I did my homework for your class!" Harry protested...fairly certain he'd done really well at DADA that year. It was a practical class which usually meant he did a lot better in it since it was easier for him to focus when he was physically doing something over having to read or focus on details like Potions.

"You forget I had access to the professor's lounge," Remus just raised an eyebrow at him. "Severus complained about your essays enough for everyone."

"I really do not know what you mean. I do not believe I ever discussed Potter or his work. That would mean I would have to think of him at all," Snape drawled, standing from where he'd been in the shadows in the corner of the room.

Harry's breath hitched and he had to quickly rub the piercing through his eyebrow. He hadn't noticed the silent professor in the corner when he'd entered since he'd been ambushed and distracted by Sirius. His vision tunneled and all he saw was blood, so much blood, and the broken body of his professor on the floor of the shrieking shack. "Take them..." the man gasping, trying to give Harry his memories with his last breath.

"Oi! Harry! You're gay?! You should have told us!" A loud voice cut into the nightmare Harry had been pulled into. The voice didn't help though. Now Harry was in the battle, death and ash permeating the air, and saw a one-eared George standing and breaking over the body of his dead twin.

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