A Portrait's Blood Oath pt2

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A/N: Not my story! Original available on ao3


"Hermione and I are together?" Ron finished with wide, shocked eyes.


"Sorry," Harry huffed and rolled his eyes. "This has been twelve years for me. I can't remember everything. You two were dancing around each other for years, so I'm not extremely sure when you made it official...it might have been after the war, but I was certain there were some things going on behind my back before then. Look, just ignore I said anything if it makes you uncomfortable. You don't have to get together if you don't want to, but you made a really good couple surprisingly."

"Kind of hard to just ignore, mate," Ron was still looking a bit afraid over at Hermione, not sure what to do with this new information, or if he should do anything.

"Really, Ronald," Hermione just sighed in exasperation at both of them. "Harry...could you maybe give us some time to talk. Go take that shower you need, and Ron and I will sort it. I think we need a little time to grieve our Harry too...it hasn't really sunk in yet that we've basically lost him. I know you're still here, but..."

"Yeah, I know," Harry nodded with a sad look and stood to enlarge his truck and start rifling through it. "I was sad when the skinny bugger wasn't in the room when I popped back as well. I was hoping he'd grow up to be someone...well, not me. I'm doing my best, but I know I can't be him...not anymore."

"Don't forget the glamour," Hermione reminded him when Harry emerged from the trunk with some boxers, sweatpants, and a t-shirt.

Harry flicked his new wand, casting the brilliant spell Percy had taught him leaving a skinny fifteen-year-old standing in the room once more. "The privacy ward will stay until you two leave the room," he motioned to the magic overlaying the bedroom door. "Mind saying anything around that portrait without a ward around it. Headmaster Black can move between it and Dumbledore's office," he added on with a nod towards the portrait.

Ron frowned in irritation at the portrait. "That's an invasion of privacy!" He protested vehemently. "I want a new room!"

Harry huffed and rolled his eyes. "We shouldn't be talking about things around the house much anyway. Plus, my glamour will fall in my sleep, so I'll be keeping up his ward most of the time anyway."

Hermione was studying him intently. "You may look like our Harry, but your mannerisms are even different...it's odd seeing you with the glamour but also seeing who you are underneath."

Harry ran his hand over the piercing in his eyebrow and tried to push aside his mounting anxiety that he'd fail. No, it was fine. If someone called him on acting differently, then it was due to losing Cedric, seeing Voldemort reborn, and almost getting his soul sucked out. Yes, it was a good excuse, and would explain his personality changing some.

"Right...shower. I'll see you at dinner," he nodded to them, forcefully pushing the anxiety aside. "Thank you for listening and not judging...feel free to curse me out while I'm gone though...Merlin knows I deserve it."

"Hey..." Hermione grabbed his hand and gave it a little squeeze. "One, I sent you back in time, and two, you came to save us. We're not going to curse you out or anything."

"Yeah, mate...I'm mainly planning on asking 'Mione if she thinks I'm fit," Ron grinned widely at them both, recovering from his shock of before.

Hermione laughed, but Harry just smiled at them fondly. "Well, just don't shag on my bed, that would be rude and gross," he added before closing the door on the scandalized teenagers behind him.

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