A New Friend pt8

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A/N: Not my story! Original available on ao3


Percy shuddered. "Remind me please that fiendfyre is not an appropriate spell to teach fifth years if I ever forget. I don't want to see Longbottom overthrowing you as the next Dark Lord."


As they neared the Three Broomsticks, Harry patted down his braid, checked that he didn't have any stains on his black, Weird Sisters t-shirt he'd recently purchased, and basically fidgeted awkwardly. "You look fine," Percy rolled his eyes. Personally, he looked a little more out-of-character since Snape actually knew him. It wasn't overly noticeable though. He'd just traded his cardigans and khakis for a black button-down shirt and some dark wash jeans. Wearing his Unspeakable robes everyday had Percy dressing now for comfort more than anything else since no one really ever saw his clothes anyway.

"It's just important that he approves me, or us, to visit Siri. Besides, we're going to completely scandalize him," Harry gleefully chuckled. "Er...have you come out to your family? I didn't think to ask. He'll probably tell them you know."

"Nope," Percy looked at him with a smirk, not really caring if Snape told them or not. At this point, he only mildly cared about their reactions, and it might be best it came from Snape with him not in the room anyway so that they could process without him there.

"Actually, I don't think I ever did even in the future. Dad never questioned our living arrangement, and George just asked once if we were shagging, and when I said yes, he said cool and poured himself another cup of tea. I don't think Ginny really paid any attention to us at all, she was so caught up in trying to keep herself busy that she didn't have time to really question us always showing up to things together."

Harry nodded. "That's what I thought. It's amazing how just not important some things become when your entire world falls apart around you."

"Well, clearly Snape is bi if not gay," Percy agreed with a nod. "So, I don't think we're going to scandalize him quite as much as we did Ron.

Harry full out laughed before they could walk into the pub at that. "Merlin, I have to see that pensieve memory at some point. I was too out of it to pay attention to his face. It had to be beautifully shocked...probably turned bright red too!"

"Got it in one," Percy laughed with him and pushed open the door. "Hermione just blinked a couple times and seemed to accept it, but Ron looked like he just saw me...I don't know...kiss the giant squid or something."

"Please don't compare me to the giant squid," Harry gave him a disgusted glare before making a beeline towards an empty booth since they seemed to have beaten Snape there. "Get us a round, and two bottles of whiskey to go?" Harry gave his partner his best puppy dog eyes that never seemed to fail to work on the man.

Percy just smirked at him and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "The whiskey stays in my chambers. Fred and George will be able to tell there is whiskey in the tower by some sort-of Divination that they can do to find mischief."

"You'll drink it," Harry accused him with a pout. He did believe it about Fred and George though. Merlin, he'd missed Fred, and George with Fred.

"Fine, I'll get three bottles then," he chuckled and walked to the bar.

Harry smiled and gave a little wave to the man who had just walked into the bar looking much less stern without his teaching robes and only black slacks and a black knit jumper. Frankly, the man looked good. "Black," Snape acknowledged him before sliding into the booth opposite. "Was your partner not able to make it?"

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