Tea with a Professor pt9

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A/N: Not my story! Original available on ao3


"Did Luna do something to him?" Hermione asked with a frown. She'd always thought the Ravenclaw was a bit odd, but harmless overall.


"Luna didn't do anything to him," Percy shook his head. "They were best friends...it was what was done to them. It was years ago, but Harry has a tendency to completely bury things that he doesn't want to think about then they slam into him like this when he least expects it. He's probably run into more things these past few days than he has in years though. At the very least this trip is making him face everything he's been trying to just ignore."

"Bloody hell," Ron sighed, still processing that Percy and Harry were together. "Wait, weren't you dating a girl...Penelope or something?"

"Ron, you don't have to have everything figured out as a teenager," Hermione explained with an eyeroll at her sort-of boyfriend.

"She's right, I'm bisexual by the way though," Percy told his brother before turning away to focus on Harry, not caring about his brother's reaction at the moment. "Right...sometimes this works...sorry, Ron," he remarked before diving right in and snogging Harry like it was the end of the world.

"Ew!" Ron closed his eyes and grimaced. When Ron opened his eyes once more, he wished he hadn't because his best mate was wrapped around his older brother like a koala with tears streaming from his eyes.

"While this ward is wonderful," Hermione cut into the drama around them. "I think we should move before people start noticing that something is up in this hallway."

"She's right, love...plus, you're a bit heavy for this," Percy untangled a nodding Harry who blinked around at them all before lifting a side of his shirt and pressing the tip of his wand to a line of runes that flared blood red at the touch.

"Sorry about that," Harry took in a deep breath and steadied himself all of a sudden. "I have about half an hour before the backlash of that spell hits me," he told them all, specifically Percy who knew what he'd just done and very much didn't approve of any spell that purposefully repressed emotions even if necessary in the moment.

"I wish you wouldn't do that," he grumbled but took down the ward around them. "My office everyone since I'm sure you're going to want some explanations and Harry will probably breakdown again in about half an hour."

Percy led the way with Harry quickly hurrying behind with. Ron turned to Hermione and let out a sigh. "I think Malfoy would have been better," he breathed out in resignation.

Hermione just threw an arm around his shoulders and led him after the other two. "At least you know Percy is on our side now," she tried to make him feel better. Ron grumbled and she just laughed at him. "Maybe DADA is going to be a better class than I thought."

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