The Talk pt5

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A/N: Not my story! Original available on ao3


"Er...well, we haven't really felt the need to define anything," he shrugged. "But yeah, we're really serious. He's it for me. I wouldn't be as arguably sane as I am without him. I love him."


"Wow...well, I've got to meet this person now," he sighed, accepting one more thing he'd missed in his pup's life. "Right, so do you and your partner have a plan in all this? Can I help with something?"

Harry shook his head. "No, I don't need any help right now. Mainly, Voldemort is in my way currently. I hadn't originally planned to come quite this far back in time, so I need to get rid of him before we can actually start implementing any major plans to change the future."

"He wasn't the problem?" Sirius asked in complete disbelief. "You can't just say you're taking care of the Dark Lord like he's a minor inconvenience to your plans! What the hell happened if Voldemort was not what you came back to change?!"

Harry shrugged in unconcern at the Voldy-Situation as he was thinking of it. "He kind-of is an inconvenience at the moment. I got rid of him two years from now in my past when I was only seventeen. Now that I know how I did it, I think we can take him out of play by Christmas or Easter at the latest. The problem is larger than him. It's...well, it's complicated. Sit with this a few days and we'll talk again, ok?"

Sirius shook his head firmly. "No, you're going back to Hogwarts in a few days. I won't see you until Christmas. You can't just leave me with no information. I need to know you and why you're here and what I can do to help and what all's happened to you..."

Harry just scoffed at that and stood to remove his wards. "Please, even without the Marauder's Map I could sneak out of school blindfolded. I'm only going to school to maintain my cover at the moment. I'll stop by the house to visit. Plus, I've already tested it out that if I walk around without my glamour, no one even suspects I'm Harry. I'll be here as often as I can sneak by the Order. Plus, now that you know, I can tell you that I bought the ingredients to make you some Polyjuice potion, and I can also teach you the glamour, but I'm not sure how effective it will be to change your appearance to another person instead of just a younger version of yourself though."

Sirius's jaw was hanging open in surprise. "I can leave the house...?"

Harry removed the last ward and turned with a raise of his eyebrow. "If someone could pretend to be Moody for a year, I don't see why you couldn't get away with Polyjuice. I'll even give you some of my hair as long as you promise not to hit on anyone or get me into any trouble. Remus might be a better option for you though, just whatever you feel most comfortable with."

"I can leave the house..." Sirius just stated again in surprised disbelief.

"Well, technically it takes a month to brew Polyjuice, but I can probably speed it up a bit. There are a few spells that can move things along faster, but I might need some help from Snape for that. I know potions now, but they aren't my specialty. He's next on my list to get on board with all this at least," he sighed tiredly. He really did have a lot on his plate. It was nice for Sirius to know...Harry was still about halfway certain he'd end up having to obliviate the man in the next few days though.

The older man scoffed at that. "Snivellus? Why? I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him. You should just leave him out of whatever plans you have."

Harry knew this was going to be a problem going into his revelations, but it was something he wasn't going to budge on. His plans needed Snape and his skills, so Sirius was going to have to get over his prejudices. "Sirius, I want to be very clear...Snape is non-negotiable. I honestly know him better than you do at this moment, and I need him. Also, I am absolutely certain he's on my side. I can't tell you how I know this, but chalk it up to future knowledge."

"Really, Harry..." Sirius scoffed.

"Obliviate is still an option..." Harry raised an eyebrow at him. "I would rather you just try to be civil to him and have an actual conversation though. Maybe you two can get past all the horrible things from your past, which from where I'm standing, it seems was more you and my dad's fault overall anyway."

Sirius frowned deeply. "What do you know of our past? Snape was not innocent in everything..."

Harry held a hand up to stop him. "Sirius, I don't really care. I don't give a shit what you all did to each other before now. I only care that you can eventually figure out how to work together. I'm going to leave at that...think about it." Harry put his wand back in his leg holster and picked up his book and then Sephie to take her with him upstairs.

"Does the weird cat-thing have anything to do with your plans?" Sirius asked with a grimace at the hairless cat that was glaring at him from Harry's arms.

"She's just a cat, Siri," Harry laughed at them. "My partner got her as a gift for me. It was very sweet."

"Sweet my arse," Sirius was grumbling from the room while Harry escaped to check in on Ron and Hermione and fill them in on what was probably his latest mistake.

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