The Black Family Tree pt3

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A/N: Not my story! Original available on ao3


"Merlin, he's worse than me," Sirius grumbled, more concerned than anything else. With one last glance back to the newest member of his family on the wall, he made his way downstairs to try not to fall asleep during the latest Order meeting fiasco.


"I still don't know how I got prefect and you didn't, mate. I know you don't want it, but still," Ron remarked as his mum fussed over everyone while loading the table with food as soon as the Order meeting finished.

Everyone was still in the kitchen when the 'kids' were allowed to enter, even Dumbledore was still hanging around, though he refused to look anywhere near Harry's direction. Harry clutched his hands tightly and did his best to just ignore the man. A thought then occurred to Harry, something he'd completely forgotten.

"Wait...didn't I get quidditch captain this year?" He asked in a whisper to Ron. He hadn't really looked over his school list, but he remembered the badge that he'd just brushed off. "Merlin...that's going to be a bit inconvenient..."

"What do you mean by that?!" Ron indignantly sputtered, making everyone look up in their direction.

"Cool it, Ron...we'll talk later," Harry rolled his eyes and huffed at his friend before plopping down at the table between George and Hermione. Ron was still muttering under his breath when he sat down on the other side of Hermione, shooting his friend dangerous glares.

"Are you all packed? Anything in the laundry?" Mrs. Weasley checked with them all as she continued to putter around and try to force the Order members without families to stay for dinner as well.

Sirius cleared his throat loudly, causing most of the people to look his direction. "Erm, would it be ok if my cousin stopped by for dinner sometimes? Not for Order things and all, but he's very reliable and can keep a secret." Harry hid a smile when he saw Snape's head shoot up from where he'd been trying to exit while avoiding Mrs. Weasley.

"You have a cousin...that you actually like?!" Remus asked incredulously, the question echoed in literally everyone's expressions.

"Well, yeah," Sirius nodded awkwardly. "My favorite little cousin Hadrian owled me when he heard I'd escaped, a really impressive bit of owl magic that was to find me, but he'd never believed I was guilty. He's been out of the country traveling and studying, but he just recently moved back to Britain. I promise, he is not in league with Voldemort and won't turn me in to the aurors."

"Why haven't we heard about him?" Remus asked again, still seeming to be stunned at not knowing something about Sirius's life.

"He was out of the country," Sirius just shrugged. "He was too young to take part in the last war anyway." Harry frowned and did some quick math. If he was 27 and the war was 14 years before, then he'd have been 13 in this tracked, but in reality he'd already been integrally involved in the war by the time he was actually 13. Harry kept Snape in the corner of his eye where he noticed the man's expression slightly take on a confused look, then concern, then clear completely once more.

"Now, my boy, we can't just have random people coming to headquarters," Dumbledore began with a deep frown.

Fred coughed on the other side of George in a way that sounded very suspiciously like "Mundungus!" Harry couldn't help the laugh and smile over at Fred for that one.

"Hadrian isn't just a random person, he's my cousin," Sirius protested. Harry was starting to get concerned. Sirius lived here, Order headquarters or not, they were absolutely not going to keep him from his godfather.

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