Tea with a Professor pt6

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A/N: Not my story! Original available on ao3


"Since I'm your partner now," Percy teased with a wide smirk. "Mr. Who Cares About Labels Anyway?"


Harry rolled his eyes and bumped Percy's shoulder with his own. "Prat...you know, I realized that I never actually had to introduce you to people back in our time, so we didn't really need labels. You were just Percy and people knew we showed up to things together and lived together. Here, I actually have to refer to you as something, so yeah, maybe labels really do matter sometimes."

"Well, I like it," Percy smiled at him and looked around. There weren't any portraits where they were currently standing in the corridor, so he pulled Harry over to him and kissed him enough to make the man's toes curl.

"Hmm...remember that you like me because we have dinner with Snape on Thursday," Harry sheepishly informed him. "You don't have to go if you don't want to, but we might need to decide what Hadrian Black's partner looks like. I don't have time to brew you Polyjuice, but I know some of my former black-market contacts that should already be in business in this time and they would have some to sell."

Percy shrugged and nodded. "How about I just go as Percy? I don't see the problem."

Harry wrinkled his nose. "Then I look like the cradle-robber."

"Yes, but I'm actually an adult and of-age at nineteen. Fifteen-year-old Harry is the problem," Percy just informed him, not really caring in the slightest what Snape thought of them. "You can be the older one in this relationship for once...just not the wiser one."

"Of course, never," Harry chuckled and kissed Percy once more before turning to head towards the tower.

"Keep Persephone with you, and no cursing anyone," his partner reminded him as he walked away. "I'm serious, Harry!" Harry leaned around the corner to flip him off, then blow him a kiss, then laugh as he kept walking.

"He's so going to curse someone," Percy shook his head and chuckled, turning to go and figure out how he wanted to arrange the furniture in his new rooms.

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