Tea with a Professor pt4

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A/N: Not my story! Original available on ao3


"I'm an Unspeakable," Percy pulled off the leather band around his left wrist and held out the mark for Flitwick to see. "I'm sure I can keep up with Hogwarts students enough to teach DADA."


Harry snorted, "At least. Professor, he's so much better than who we had before."

"Yes...and what may I ask happened to the person we were originally assigned?" He nodded at the mark before pinning them with a dark look.

Instead of answering, Percy took Harry's hand and held it out for Flitwick to see the still deep and clear scarring that read: I must not tell lies.

"Delores Umbridge was originally assigned to my position. She tortured Harry with a blood quill this entire year, she was the one that sent dementors after him this past summer, she dosed students with Veritaserum, threatened the cruciatus curse on students, and was the eventual author of most of the legislation we are hoping to stop being implemented in the coming years," he said so that the man had the full picture. Harry pulled his hand back and clenched his fists while Flitwick turned a concerning shade of red.

"I hope you murdered her," he finally looked at both of them, fury lining his face at what had been allowed to go on in his school. "No one tortures students under my care! There is absolutely nothing lower than harming a child!"

Harry just nodded, impressed. "Right...so, can I put you down as on our side?"

Flitwick sighed and began to clean up the tea things. "I will not turn you in or stop you at this time, but I'm also not going to make a decision before I have all the facts. I will not condone the murder of innocents..."

"We aren't planning..." Harry began in protest.

"I don't believe Albus counts as evil," Flitwick cut him off with a glare. Percy looked off, not wanting to say he disagreed with the man, but clearly disagreeing. Harry just shrugged. His feelings towards the headmaster were so complicated that he wasn't sure he was capable of making a logical decision where the man was concerned.

"It isn't the plan to kill the headmaster," Harry finally said. "First, I'm going to try to get Snape on our side. He should be able to distract Dumbledore long enough for us to get so far into our plans that he can't do much against us...hopefully."

"What makes you think Severus will be on your side?" Flitwick looked at him in abject disbelief about that assumption.

"Future knowledge that is about his personal life and that I probably shouldn't spread around," Harry said. "So...the plan really isn't to kill innocents at all...however you define that."

"I will consider your proposal," Flitwick said, raising a hand to stop their continued explanations. "I need time to process this, and with your permission, discuss what you have told me with some of my goblin relatives and our seers."

"The goblins don't hate me yet, so sure," Harry shrugged and smirked at the man.

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