Tea with a Professor pt5

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A/N: Not my story! Original available on ao3


"The goblins don't hate me yet, so sure," Harry shrugged and smirked at the man.


"Harry stole their dragon...for a good cause," Percy rolled his eyes and explained to the man who looked shocked once more. "It's a long story."

"Right..." Flitwick lowered the ward over his door with a flick of his wand. "I expect you both back here in my office after dinner at the end of the week," he informed them. "I will think over what you have told me, and I expect to have an answer for you by then, or at least more questions."

"Thank you, sir," Percy stood and pulled Harry up behind him since he knew his partner had some lasting issues with his right knee from a nasty bone shattering spell he'd taken in the past and the couch was a bit low to stand up from.

"My eye will be on you, boys," Flitwick warned them with a twirl of his wand. "You put any of my students in danger, and Voldemort will be the least of your worries."

Harry gave a sharp nod of approval. "Noted, and I wouldn't expect otherwise."

They walked into the hallway, and both let out a breath. "Well...that went better than I expected," Harry chuckled at his partner who just shook his head in wonder at what they'd just done and the fact they weren't being turned in to the headmaster, aurors, or unspeakables.

"I was fully planning on having to try to obliviate him, but I also didn't like my chances on being faster than a master dueler."

"You're fast, but I'm pretty sure you'd lose," Percy wisely nodded as they wandered in the same direction of Gryffindor tower and the DADA rooms. "Come see my new chambers? Stay the night?"

Harry pouted deeply. "I'd love to, but Ron and Hermione will probably think Flitwick killed me, and Neville would probably come looking for me if I don't show. I'll sneak out tomorrow night though once everyone's asleep...maybe I'll even come up with some story about dating a Ravenclaw or something."

"Ergh! As long as it isn't Chang," Percy grimaced at him and gave the invisible end of Harry's braid a little tug.

Harry stopped and frowned as he remembered what he'd wanted to ask Percy again. "Hey...you did break up with Penelope Clearwater, didn't you? I mean...I'm not a big fan of sharing in relationships anyway..."

Percy frowned and actually really had to think about that to his sudden fear. "I forgot I'd been dating her..."

"You haven't heard from her since we got here?" Harry asked in disbelief. Surely, she would have sent an owl or showed up at his flat or something.

Percy finally remembered and let out a breath of relief. "Wait, no, she dumped me earlier in the summer. I remember we'd broken up, just not when in the summer, but yeah, it was definitely before we took over from our younger selves."

"Good," Harry nodded firmly. "Like I said...I don't want to share."

"Since I'm your partner now," Percy teased with a wide smirk. "Mr. Who Cares About Labels Anyway?"

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